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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1544

Duke was the youngest son of Old President's brother. At the age of twenty—seven, he was considered a man with solid feet, and his most famous event was during a political meeting where he immediately refuted Old President's decisions and put down harsh words, saying something that was completely unrelated to him and shocked the entire military and political world. Now, with an election at hand, he was stationed in the north and had never participated in this time's political competition.

Everyone felt that he was very arrogant, to even dare to refute his own uncle's honor. It could be seen how arrogant he was. The Old President mocked: "At that time he was young, and did not understand the charm of power. If he was allowed to sit in the Vice—President's position for a few days, he would understand how wonderful it was to be in control of one's power. It would only be a matter of time before he lost, and even if I lost, Joseph Grant would lose, one day my descendants would be able to avenge me.

Sister May was speechless, she felt that the old man in front of him had gone mad.

"Mr. President, forgive me for being blunt, but I feel that Joseph Grant will never negotiate such a condition with you. Not only will we not negotiate, he will also gather all the evidence and send you to the place where you should stay. Sister May was panic—stricken, could it be that he had lost all of his fighting strength? Did that mean that the tree she was leaning on had fallen, and she, at any moment, could be killed by the sun's rays?

Maybe I am really old, or maybe I am really greedy. Back then, when I was successful, in front of so many people, I took the oath to the flag, and now, when I think about it, those vows were like a mountain pressing against my heart, constantly reminding me of the crimes I had committed. Old President said with his eyes filled with confusion, as he looked up at the sky outside the window: "Those who lose, are not qualified to choose their places, maybe I am really old, or maybe I am really just greedy.

"Mr. President, you... Are you going to give up on us? " They had done so many things, laid down a huge road, and yet they had caused Duke to soar straight to the clouds. They were all his cornerstone, and if this were true, the Sister May would not be willing to accept it, not even if she were to die.

"Did I give you up? No, it's because you guys aren't strong enough. Our relationship is like a pyramid, I stand at the top, you guys are my foundation stone. I trust you, but what about you guys? One after another, they failed, each becoming more useless than the last, resulting in the stone being left empty. The one who fell from the top was me, the one who hurt the most is me, and the one who is the most miserable is me. " However, Old President seemed to have calmed down.

Sister May's breathing stagnated, and a sinister look appeared on her ordinary face. She stood up from the ground in anger: "At that time, who promised me that as long as I could help you settle this mess, you would allow me to be magnanimous. What you promised me, have you forgotten it all? "I abandoned everything and betrayed my faith to follow you. If you say no now, then you don't. Where do you expect us to go?"

"May, a lot of people told me that you have a mental illness. I didn't believe it before, but now I think I do. Do you want a doctor to calm yourself down?" The President smiled at her, but it was full of mockery.

"You … You can't do this to me, you can't. " Sister May was furious, as he retreated step by step. His face was pale and he grinded his teeth.

The only thing you can do to save yourselves is to help me, help me push my nephew to the position of Vice—President, I can shoulder all the crimes, if you were to fall for one of the crimes that I have coerced you into, you will definitely be lightly punished. " Old President's face turned cold as he continued to propose his conditions.

"How can I help? Does your nephew listen to you? I would rather guard the wilderness of the northern region than come here to work with you. His ambition is not political, he is just a militant, there is no meaning in forcing him like this. " Sister May felt that it was beneath her to let Duke return to the center of power to fight.


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