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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1604

Joseph did not follow them. Although he really wanted to stay by Alvina's side, it was related to the matters of the Miller Family's family, so even though he and Alvina were engaged, they had not yet officially married. If he followed over now, it would cause the Miller Family to be unhappy, so he waited in the resting room for news.

Once she entered the doctor's office, Alvina asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is my grandfather?"

"He has a very serious heart problem, and his cirrhosis is very severe. Do you know about it?" the doctor asked, looking over their faces.

"I know, how is my father now?" Paul immediately asked.

Alvina stood there in a daze as if she had been whipped. Hearing the doctor's words, she immediately felt as if the sky was spinning. How could her grandfather be so sick?

They only said that her grandfather had a small ailment, as long as he took the medicine on time he would be fine. At that time, Alvina believed it and felt that whatever the doctor said was definitely true. He would not joke around with her grandfather's illness.

Now it seemed that the doctors had lied to her, and her grandfather had kept it a secret.

"We can't operate right now. His condition can't take the risk of surgery. He can be hospitalized, but we might not be able to treat him further." The doctor pushed his glasses and spoke with a troubled expression. Saving someone was their duty, but not all illnesses could be cured. Sometimes, they were also very weak and moved.

Alvina felt her legs go weak, he almost couldn't stand up but only lean towards the wall behind him.

Nathan asked: "Then how many days does my father have left?"

"Half a year at most, or in a month." The doctor spoke sadly.

When Alvina heard this, her tears overflowed .

Paul turned his head to look at her, and comforted her, "Alvina, don't cry anymore. Grandfather's condition has reached this stage, and we are also very sad.

Alvina couldn't believe it, she didn't even dare to think as she turned and ran out.

Paul looked at Nathan: "Look at what you've done, Daddy is really going to die from your anger."

"Stop pushing the blame onto me. Don't you have enough to anger him with?" Nathan retorted him a few more times, unwilling to be outdone.

After Alvina ran out, she saw Joseph standing at the entrance of the resting room waiting for her. She actually wanted to find a place to cry.

Seeing she crying like this, Joseph's heart trembled, he had already guessed the result.

Old Master Miller was a strong person throughout his life. In the end, even his own illness was hidden from the people around him.

"Are you okay?" Joseph slowly walked to the front of her with his tall body and asked gently. Alvina bit her lower lip and shook her head vigorously.

"let's find a peaceful room." When Joseph saw how she was trying so hard to endure it, his heart ached. He gently grabbed her wrist and brought her into the resting room.

"What did the doctor say?" the man asked gently.

"He said … He said that my grandfather can't be cured, and only has little time left. Alvina choked with sobs, she could not even speak, only tears silently fell and it hurt Joseph.

Joseph immediately pulled her into his embrace, and gently caressed her back with both hands. His long hair soothed her sorrowful feelings soundlessly and firmly.

Alvina leaned into his embrace, and finally cried out loud. She was like a helpless child, without a care.

After crying for such a long time, until there was a knock on the door, Joseph finally took out a tissue to wipe away the tears on her face: "Maybe your grandfather wants to see you."

After Alvina heard this, she quickly stopped her grief and opened the door.


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