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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1743

Lily received a wedding card, which is from Mary and Leo. They were about to get married three days later. Lily closed the post and could not help but wish her the best of luck in advance. Such good news really made people feel better.

She still remembered that when Mary met Leo, she did not dare to show her feelings. In the end, it was Joshua who broke the dullness between them and connecting them.

Those who loved each other, even though they were separated by mountains, had strong love. Mary had a crush on Leo for so many years. She thought that she would walk to the dark road, Another village was amazing.

From then on, her crush turned into a love affair. Leo directly spoiled her and met her happiness.

At this moment, Alvina also received the gift from Mary, with a very exquisite package of candy. Alvina could not help but tear it open and threw it into her mouth. Her senses were sweet.

"They're getting married." She mumbled. She was happy for them. All the love that could enter a marriage was happy.

At night, Joseph returned home, and Alvina went behind him mysteriously, tipping his toes to cover the man's eyes.

"What up, honey." He felt like she was tiptoeing and suddenly a candy was put into his mouth..

"Candy?" The man was a little speechless. He seldom ate sweets, let alone such greasy candy.

Alvina let go of her hand and immediately placed a wedding card in front of him: "Look at it."

Joseph took a look and smiled. "I received it in the morning. Leo is getting married."

"Yeah." Alvina nodded, and there was a trace of sadness in her expression.

Joseph noticed that she was in a sad mood. He asked her in a low voice, "What's wrong? are you jealous?"

"No, it is the right time for them to get married." Alvina felt that it was best to get married before giving birth. If she was blessed, the child would still be born in the whole family.

"Just wait for another two months and we'll get married." The man didn't want to see her envious of others because he could give her a glory wedding too.

Alvina immediately lowered her head and laughed: "I didn't mean it."

"Yes, I'm jealous of them, so I want to marry you." The man saw that she was a little shy, so he had to expose her thoughts. Because just now her expression was: "Hurry to marry me, hurry up." Marry me or not, I'm going to be angry.

Alvina liked Joseph's intelligence. He knew how to defend her small emotions and made her not too embarrassed.

"Then, I'm going to start preparing my wedding candy now." Alvina turned like a shy child and walked upstairs.

Joseph found that both crying and laughing. There were still two months. She prepared so early, could she wait to marry him?

Wendy's three—month teaching career was about to end. With only half a month left, she had to leave. To tell the truth, she really didn't want to leave because of Duke. But she missed her family again. Since she was young, she had never left her family for so long. She missed the meal her father cooked for her, and missed the look that her mother had given to her. Of course, she also missed her Brother, and she wanted to tease him.

There is no ending feast.

Wendy sat on the field stalk. There was a grass in his mouth. There was a sweet taste at the root of the grass. Wendy took out her phone and took a few pictures and videos of the dusk. Everything was calm and peaceful.

Suddenly, there was a tall figure standing in the distance.

It was a surprise for Wendy.


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