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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1831

Theodore Shapiro and Betty planned a five—day excursion. Woody Shapiro did not follow them. She returned to her country and continued to study. Theodore Shapiro's care, which made Woody Shapiro not depressed. She gradually made some friends. Sometimes, she could hear her laughter in the ten minutes of noise during class.

Betty and Theodore Shapiro chose one of the beautiful islands. They slept naturally and woke up. They woke up and walked along the beach. They dive, swim, and work hard to make children after dinner.

Poetry and the distance were very beautiful, but it was even more beautiful with a beloved person around them.

Time flickered. It was already three months later. Betty and Theodore Shapiro had already registered for marriage. To shorten their distance, Betty chose to leave. After only two months as a full—time wife, she could not bear it. She held a key position at Theodore Shapiro's charity and started her new life.

The time was already late summer and early autumn. Wendy suddenly felt that there was nothing to eat. She only picked spicy, sour, and heavy—mouthed food.

Alvina Miller's stomach bulged up and her temperament was even sweeter. After listening to Wendy Grant's complaints, she gave her a suggestion to test her pregnancy.

After Wendy Grant finished listening, she immediately went to buy a test stick.

When he heard about this news, Duke was naturally extremely ecstatic. He and Wendy finally had the crystallization of love. They would soon be a family of three.

Alvina Miller was happy for them too. As time went on, everyone was going through another stage of their lives. Being a wife and a mother, as long as their initial heart did not change, their true heart did not change.

When Betty heard that Big Brother was about to have a child, she was very happy for them. She immediately sent a lot of things the child needed from abroad as well as her blessings.

Woody Shapiro's grades had improved a lot. Then, she realized that her grades were bad, not because she was stupid, but because she hadn't been seriously focused on learning until she discovered her talent. She realized that her grades could be even better. She would no longer have to be scolded by her uncle. She would never have to worry about her grades again.

Time flies. In the hospital corridor, Joseph Grant stood nervously at the door of the delivery room. It was late at night. Although it was not the first time, he thought of his beloved wife. He was very worried.

"Wow!" A loud cry cried in the delivery room.

The little guy was sent nervously out of the delivery room by the nurse. "It's a pretty little princess. Congratulations, Mr. President."

When Joseph Grant heard the news, his handsome face instantly solidified. Then, joy extended in his eyes and his excited fingers were a little trembled. Then, he carefully took his little princess from the nurse's hand.

He lowered his head and stared at the little hand that pulled the little guy. She seemed to be full of resistance to this unfamiliar world. He only looked at her and asked his wife's condition: "Is she alright?"

"The lady is just overworked after giving birth. It's not a big deal. She'll come out when she rests," the nurse replied quickly.

"Thank you," Joseph Grant gratefully said.


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