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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1951

Monica's eyes shone with brilliance. She looked at the man's face without blinking by the ambient light.

She wanted to confirmwhether his wordswere just to let her calm down or to leave the decision to her willingly.

Stinson was suddenly embarrassed by her gaze. Although he was very confident ofhis facial features, he was unable to withstand her direct gaze. His eyes flashed and he smiled, "Why are you staring at me like this?"

Only then did Monica realize that she seemed to be staring at him too long. She shook her head and chuckled, "Nothing. What would you do if your parents urgeus to givebirth to a second child?"

"They won't." Stinson knew his parents very well. Their principle had always been ‘one generation takes care of themselves'. The harmony of a family was based onthe respect of each other, even between parents and children.

"Really?"Monica still found it unbelievable. In her memory, her parents—in—law would definitely interfere in theirgrandson's affairs.

"If they mention it, I will stand by your side and explain it to them." Stinson replied seriously.

Monica smiled. She suddenly realized that the man she fell in love with was really reasonable. She was very happy with him. He was always giving, but it seemed like he never asked for something. Monica was inexplicably moved. How could she meet someone like him?

"Are you laughing? Does that mean that we have reached an agreement on this matter?" The man said with a lilting tone.

"Sort of." Monica felt relieved in her heart, but her wordsshowed that she wassomewhat unwilling to forgive.

Stinson helplessly and dotingly walked over and touched her long hair, "I haven't expected that you looksmall but you have a stubborn temper. I've met my opponent."

"I look small?" When Monica heard this, she was unhappy again. She deliberately drew herself up and said, "Don't underestimate people, okay?"

Stinson's handsome eyes were slightly shocked, and then he laughed out loud, "Alright, don't be angry, I know you're not small."

Monica blushed and smashed her hands into his embrace a few times. Next second, her unruly handsweretightly gripped by a pair of large hands. "Monica, it's not wise to provoke me now."

Monica was stunned by his threat. Now, her ears also reddened. She purposely curled her lips and said, "I'm not afraid of you."

"Really?" Stinson's smile deepened and he was blazing with anger, as if he was looking at a delicious prey.

Originally, Monica was only trying to showoff, but when she heard that the man was about to take action, her body involuntarily trembled slightly. At this moment, she did not dare to answer, and the man did not give her another chance to bicker.

Early in the morning!

The sunshineoutside the window was very bright and beautiful. Threads of light passed through the light veil that landed on the ground and shone on the bed.

The warm feeling madethe sleeping woman on the bed roll over involuntarily.

"Hiss!" The slight breathing sound woke the woman up from her sleep. She opened her eyes and found her waist really painful. Moreover, her entire body was lack instrength, as if she had suffered from a small ailment.

"Damn Stinson." Monica couldn't help but curse softly in her heart. She swept her beautiful eyes around and heardfootsteps coming from the living room. She was so frightened that she hurriedly covered the quilt over her body.

"Waked up?" Stinson walked in lazily with a smile on his face.

Monica pretended to be asleep again. She was reluctant to let him see herlike this;she wantedto trickhim into going out and then getting up.

However, she never expected that the man would bend down and pull the quilt on her body …


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