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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1994

Tinge finally fell asleep, long after he had gotten into bed. When he finally drifted into sleep,hefelt a soft body right next to him and woke up at once. In order not to lose control, Tinge did not holdCreamy in his arms when they slept. Instead, he maintained a gentleman's distance. But could he still be a gentleman now that the distance was drawn closer by Creamy herself?

Herskinfelt soft and smooth against his. It was simply too good to be true. Tinge didn't expect Creamy to be so different from the female students he had trained in the past. He had also touched their arms during training. Although theirskin feltfine, Creamy's was simply way better. He held her closerand didn't want to let go.

Creamy was really tired. She was sleeping peacefully at the moment. When the man's warm palm touched her waist, she didn't seem to notice at all. She continued to leanagainst him.

Tinge sighed. Was she completely off guard by his side?

He was already lying on the same bed with her, so he would have to marry this girl. The Wayne family would definitely make sure of that.

Even whenhe thought aboutthis, Tinge wasn't angry. Instead, he was quitepleased by the idea of a future marriage.

In the other room, Jensen's bed was not as big as Tinge's, since it was designed for the use of one person only.But now, two people had to squeeze in together. The space indeed felt much smaller.

Jensen was 1.8 meters tall, and Lyre was 10 centimeters shorter than him. Both of them had long armsand legs, so whenthey were tucked under the same quilt, they would wake each other up with the slightest movement.

"Sis, are you asleep?" Jensen did not feel any urge to sleep.

"I'm asleep." Lyre did not want to chat with him, so she deliberately lied.

"How can you beasleep? Your voice still sound so clear. Do you really think that I'm a three—year—old child? Do you thinkit is easy to lie to me?" Jensen was a bit upset. Lyre treated him like a child, and he was not happy about that.

"If I wanted to lie to you, you wouldn't be able to tell. Do you believe me?" Of course, Lyre did not fall asleep yet. She was not accustomed to lying in bed with a man. She had a boyfriend before, and she knew what could happen when a man and a woman sleep on the same bed. Therefore, Jensen, this nerd boy, did not know why she could not fall asleep.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before, sis?" Jensen finally mustered up the courage to dig into her past. Of course, he was prepared to be kicked.

"Why do you ask?" Lyre didn't really want to answer that question.

"I'm just curious. I want to know more about you." Jensen said honestly.

"If you know, won't you feel disappointed?" Lyre raised her eyebrows at him.

"I'd be more disappointed if I know not. Knowing would make me feel better." Jensen explained softly.

Lyre finally understood;Jensen'slove life was still a total blank. What should she do? Should she accept his love?

Emma's words suddenly popped into her mind. No; she couldn't just trifle with Jensen.

She immediately shook her head and became sober. It was true that if Jensen was not Tinge's assistant, but just a boy she met by chance, she might fool around with him for a while. She might not be an innocent girl, butstill she couldn't harm the people around her.

"I have two ex—boyfriends; and a ex—fiancé, whom I almost married. What else do you want to know about?" Lyre didn't want to hide anything from him anymore. She said it in astraightforward way, hoping that he would no longer waste his hearton her.

Hearing this, Jensen had a shocked look in his eyes. He thought that shehad one ex—boyfriend at most. He didn't expect that there had been not one, but three love interests. How much time would it take for him to ‘feel better' and get over it?


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