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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1998

Cynthia's words were a great shock forKeith. He had always thought that Scottson was just an ordinary smuggler, andhe never expected that he would have such a huge organization. His back was covered in cold sweat.

"Scottson killed two of his partners. He said that they died because of an accident, but he was the one who arranged the two accidents. There's nothing he won't do in order to be the most powerful. He is a monster! You must be careful of him. I saw that beautiful woman just now. Who is she? Have I seen her somewhere before?" Cynthia raised her head to ask Keith as she put her clothes back on.

"She is my brother's girlfriend, a lady from a rich family. Her name is Creamy Wayne." Keith didn't hide anything from her.

"That's right. The Wayne family, they are very famous. I've seen all the big shots on the Rich List and their families before. I've always had a goodmemory of beauties." Cynthia smiled.

"Are you not in pain now? How can you still laugh like this?" Keithfoundthat this woman was indifferentto her ownpain. Maybe she couldn't feel any?

"If I don't laugh, do you want to me cry? I won't cry in front of you." Cynthia leaned back on the chair and said to him, "Help me call Jack over."

A trace of angerflashed across Keith's face. "I'm not your subordinate. Don't giveme orders in this tone."

Cynthia was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Keith, please call Jack over for me."

Keith was even more unhappy. Was this woman messing with him?

Butanyway, he went out and called Jack, who was eating. SinceCynthia knew a lot of information, Keithwas going to stay and listen to their conversation.

Cynthia instructed Jack to turn off all the communication equipment to prevent others from monitoring them, for the most important thing now was recovery.

Jack saw that Cynthia had finally been out of danger, and he expressed his many thanks to Keith again.

Keith leaned against the door and watched them. The way Jack admired and obeyedCynthia from the bottom of his heart made Keith raise his eyebrows, unimpressed. Who would dare to marry a woman like Cynthia? The unfortunate man who dare to marry herwould be beaten up by her admirers in a minute.

"Keith, you saved my life. How do you want me to repay you?" Cynthia finally relaxed, closed her eyes, and asked him in a low voice.

"My brother promised to save you, not me," Keith frowned.

"No matter what, you all saved me. I want to repay you personally." Cynthia's beautiful eyes suddenly opened. Although she was in a miserablestate, her hair wet and her face pale, she had a kind of power in her body. Her legs crossed and she staredkeenly at Keith. "But please, don't askme to tell you the secret of the organization. I would rather die than spit out a single word."

Keith sneered, "I just want to kill Scottson. I have no interest in what you guys are doing."

"Scottson is going to be brought back for a strict trial. He must be handed over to theorganization to be sentenced." The light in Cynthia's eyes gradually darkened as she informed him word by word.

"Evil people don't have the right to have trials.He only deserves to die." Keith became serious and intimidating. He couldn't bearthe thought that the one who killed his father still had a chance to stand trial.

Cynthia's eyes were calm as ever. "If Scottson gets killed before the so—called trial, that would be something else completely."


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