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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 2025

Lily knew that she had guessed correctly when she saw her daughter's reaction. She gently held Creamy's hand and looked at her with a smile, "You going to get married too. Time passes really quickly."

Creamy looked at her mother and suddenly felt that fate was like a miracle. Back then, when her mother fed her and her elder brother alone, they lived a busy and tough life. When they returned home, they met her father. Was this fate destined for them? It must be.

"Mom, whether I get married or not, I will always be your daughter."Creamy reached out and hugged her mother, her eyesslightly filled with tears. In fact, under the protection of her parents, she had not suffered any grievances since childhood. She was truly grateful to them.

"I understand.Don't be so emotional. I know you're now in love with Tinge. Go findhim."Lily didn't want her daughter to cry so shepushed her away.

Creamy was touched then, but when she heard her mother mention Tinge, she broke into smile and could only listened to her mother, happily turning around and leaving.

She drove straight to the hotel.

Tinge had already got up to pack up for that Jensen would arrive in the afternoon. They decided to visitLyrein the afternoon to see what happened.

When Creamy arrived, Tinge nervously asked her, "Emma, did your parents get angry?"

Creamy shook her head and laughed, "No, my dad is a little unhappy, but my mom understands me."

Tinge heaved a sigh of relief. He was indeed worried that his future father—in—law and mother—in—law would be angry with him and not marry their daughter to him.

"As you've packed your things, I'll go back to pack mine after lunch." Creamy whispered.

"Alright, what do you want to do at noon? I'll accompany you." It was rare forTinge to be free, so he felt a little bit uncomfortable. Perhaps, he was the kind of people who had to be busy, which meant he would always be prepared for danger in times of peace.

"I remember you said you're going to take me to visit your mother.What about go shopping with me? I'll buy some presents for her." Thinking of visiting her future mother—in—law, Creamy was also uneasy. As a junior, it was best not to seem impolite when visiting the seniorfor the first time.

"There's no need to buy anything. I'm sure my mother won't mind." Tinge smiled and said. As a son, he and his younger brother hadfrequently sent a lot of things to their mother. He thought that his mother would lack nothing.

"No, I must buy something." Creamy insisted.

They then went downstairs and drove to the mall. After calling her mother and asking for advice, Creamy bought clothes, bags and jewelry that people at her mother's age would like.

In the afternoon, Creamy went home.After telling her parents what she would do, she packed up and went out with a big suitcase.

Jensenhad rushed back. As he had lost a lot of weight, it could be seen how tired he had been these past few days.

Tinge looked at him, asking him to take a shower and change his clothes. Finding that his bosswas in a relationship, Jensen was happy for him from the bottom of his heart. He thought that, with someone to take care of and accompany Tinge, his boss's life would not be lonely anymore.

In his eyes, ever since he met Tinge, the latter had been fighting alone. Whether in work or in life, Tinge was always alone. Even when he traveled far, heonly took a handbag with him. He was obviously at the age of starting a family, but he still looked lonely. It didn't change until he met Miss Wayne.

After that, Tingecompletely forgot what he had said. Hesaid that he wanted to stay single until he was old, but in reality, he simply didn't meet a woman who could attract him.

The threedrove towards Lyre's home, more than three hundred kilometers away in a small city.

Gradually leaving the bustling metropolis, the expensive car rushed to the highway. Creamy sat on the passenger seat, while Tinge heldthe steering wheel steadily. Jensensat on the back seat, supportinghis chin and staring blankly.


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