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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 2064

Tinge was so nervous that he'd been holding his breath for a while now. WhenAlyssa turned her gun towards Creamy, he wished he could just jump at Alyssaand block all the dangers for Creamy.

Alyssa waited for so long. Finally, Creamy presented herself to her, and Alyssa could finish her right her right now. How could she hesitate? Just as she stopped speaking, she opened fire. However, at that moment, she felt someone fiercely pull her arm from behind her. Of course, she lost her aim and fired several shots at the ceiling above her head.

"It's you?" Alyssa was shocked. She turned around and saw Cynthia, so she gritted her teeth resentfully and said, "You deserve to die."

Cynthia watched as Alyssa pointed the gun towards her. At this moment, Tinge kicked the gun in Alyssa's hand away. Without the gun, Alyssahad absolutely no chance of winning.

She could only pounce on Cynthia hatefully. She had no advantage in fighting Tinge, but she had to kill the woman who destroyed her plan. She took out a knife and attempted to stab Cynthia.

"Hah!" Cynthiasaw through her intention and sneered. The moment Alyssa tried to attack her, she easily dodged Alyssa's blade.

"It's impossible…" Alyssa blinked. This woman's speed was so fast;Alyssa had thoughtthat she could pierce through her heart, but she was slower than the other woman. The next second, she felt that her shoulder was attacked. She discovered that Cynthiahad appearedbehind her, raised her leg, and smashed down fiercely. Her entire shoulder was numb. Alyssaturned around and stared at Cynthiawith hatred.

Tinge's attack came again. Alyssa did not have time to catch her breath. Her body was limp like a piece of rag. She was kicked, and then her body flew out and smashed into a hard wall. Blood seemed to be boiling in her chest, and she did not have the strength to crawl out anymore.

"You … even if I die, I won't let you off."

At this point, Alyssa no longer had any will to stay alive. She turned around and was about to jump down.

However, Cynthia seemed to have expected this. She grabbeda rubbertubefrom aside and tied Alyssa up neatly.

"Let me go." Alyssa did not expect that she could not even choose her own death now. She roared angrily.

"It's not that easy to die after the crimes you'vecommitted. You still have to pay for what you've done." Cynthia sneered coldly.

"Tinge." Creamy ran up the stairs and threw herself into Tinge's arms. Tinge also hugged her nervously and checked her injuries. "Arethere any injuries?"

"I'm fine." Creamy hid her arm. Just now, when she ran over for him, she fell and hurther hands and knees. But the injury was nothing compared to escaping from death just now.

However, Tinge could see that she was lying and gently pulled her hand over. Seeing that her palm was covered in bruises, he immediately frowned.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Creamy forced a smile.

Alyssa stared blankly at them. She saw the caringin Tinge's eyes, and her heart was cold like burnt—out ashes. "Cynthia, where are you? Cynthia?" Keith's voice came from the corridor. When he heard the gunshots, he was terrified. He castCynthia's warning aside and ran over anxiously. At this moment, the sound of sirens came from afar.

Alyssawas finally caught. She was very unwilling to be handcuffed, but eventually she was forced to get in the police car. Her gaze was still filled with resentment as she stared out the window. The harsh words she had said might make it impossible for her to get out of jail. Tinge and the WayneFamily would definitely make her suffer like hell.

The four of them did not go to the airport. Instead, they returned to the Williams' house. An event like that caused all of them to have a different perspective ontheir lives. How wonderful it was to be able to live a peaceful and peaceful life! "Give me your hand." Tingeopened the medical kit and was readyto disinfect Creamy.


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