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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 2094

"She's your friend? Alright, for your sake, I will let her go. However, your friend's tolerance is too bad. How can she work in such a place without the high tolerance?" This man knew Ada. At this moment, when he saw Ada sitting beside him, he immediately forgot Bella and naturally didn't play tricks on Bella.

Bella ran into the bathroom in pain and tried her best to spit out all the wine in her stomach. However, she could not spit it out. She was so painful that she cried.

"Cod, it's so uncomfortable." Bella leaned against the washstand and breathed heavily. She felt that an ordinary person could really not do it. It seemed that she was really not suitable to work here. When she returned tonight, she would call Ada she wanted to give up.

After all, Bella was not in urgent need of money. She just wanted to find a job to increase her income. Therefore, this job was so difficult. Moreover, she also felt the danger. Thus, she decided not to come again.

As Bella thought this, she stumbled out.

But just two steps away, she bumped into someone. The bathroom here is shared by men and women. She wondered if the bar was deliberately designed like this. Anyway, both men and women could enter.

Bella realized that she had bumped into someone and immediately stepped back. Then she lowered her head and apologized, "I'm sorry."

She finished apologizing, but did not hear the reply. She couldn't help but raise her head. Her blurry eyes reflected a cold and handsome face. Bella's pupils shrank, and she couldn't help but take two more steps back, "Mr. William."

Ben's tall figure was an invisible pressure for her. At this moment, he was occupying the aisle. Bella wanted to go around but felt that it was impolite. She could only stand there silently and panic in her heart. "Bella, why are you making a hash of life?" The man's voice sounded mocking.

Make a hash of life?

Bella was stunned. She suddenly raised her head and looked straight at the man's gaze. "I'm here to work."

"Is it considered a job to drink with a man? Do you still want to sleep with them next?" Ben didn't know where the anger came from, but he just wanted to provoke her with the most unpleasant words. Didn't she flatter those men just now with drinking? In his opinion, she was just making a hash of life.

"Mr. William, how can you say that about me? Am I wrong to find a job?" Bella was immediately unconvinced. Her eyes widened. And she felt that the man's words were a bit unpleasant.

"Good women don't work in this kind of place unless she wants to take a shortcut." Seeing her dissatisfied expression, Ben sneered and mocked her again.

"It's not proper for a woman to come here to work. What about you? Are you also not good when you come here to drink wine?" Bella knew that she shouldn't insult Ben like this, but she felt there was still a anger. Moreover, she had drunk wine, and it made her a little bolder. Then she got a lot on her mind, so she naturally said that.

Ben's expression stiffened. This woman's words made him speechless.

"Not all women come here to take a shortcut. I really came here because I was looking for a job. Believe it or not …" Bella was excited. Suddenly, she felt light—headed. The next second, she felt a little unstable. She had to lean against the wall and put her hand over her forehead. Her brain almost stopped thinking. The man in front of her seemed to have a double shadow, rocking back and forth.

"Mr. … Mr. William, I'm dizzy." At this moment, Bella was a little scared. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation in her life. She felt that she could not stand steadily. Moreover, her brain was extremely dizzy. She was about to faint. Was she drunk? Or was she sick?

Ben thought she was obviously drunk when he saw her pretty face flush red.


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