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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 2289

Nicholas shook off these annoying thoughts and returned to his room.

After a day of work, he was a little tired. He habitually poured half a glass of red wine to refresh himself. He sat on the office chair reading his school books.

It was almost midnight, Nicholas rubbed his sore eyes and stopped reading.

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door. Nicholas's face darkened and he said, "Come in."

The door was opened carefully and a beautiful girl slowly looked inside. She looked really shy.

"Mr. Nicholas, do you want some fruit?

I've just washed it."

Rebecca stood there with a restrained look, with a plate of freshly washed fruit in her hand. Her gaze was fixated on Nicholas who was sitting on the chair. He was wearing a simple white shirt but in Rebecca’s eyes he looked extremely noble and charming. He had been her Prince Charming for many years.

"Bring it in."

Nicholas smiled. Rebecca was Hendrix's younger sister, and naturally he would not act too cold to her.

A happy and sweet smile immediately appeared on her face. She walked over with light steps and placed the fruit on the table in front of him. "Mr. Nicholas, did my sudden intrusion affect your studies?"

Actually, I also wanted to come here to study to improve my English proficiency."


It's good to be ambitious. I can discuss this matter with your brother."

Nicholas praised her.

"Do you also think that this is a good thing?

"But my brother said that he would send me back tomorrow morning. I really don't want to go back home. I want to stay and learn from you."

Rebecca immediately showed a discontented expression, and her big eyes were also full of expectation as she looked at Nicholas, hoping that she could say something for her.

Nicholas suddenly understood the purpose of her sending fruits in. He shook his head and said "This is a matter between you and your brother. I can't interfere."

Rebecca's eyes darkened in an instant. At the same time, Hendrix pushed the door open and came in. He said angrily, "Rebecca, who said you could come in and disturb Mr. Nicholas?

Come out with me."

Rebecca lowered her head and followed Hendrix out like a child who had done something wrong.

As soon as she went out, Rebecca became angry. "Hendrix, I will ignore you in the future if you send me back home."

"Don't you think I don't know the real reason you came here."

Hendrix suddenly lowered his voice as if he had seen through her mind.

Rebecca's face instantly turned red, and then she boldly admitted, "Yes, I came here for a reason. Is that wrong?

"We’re both single so I came to take the initiative to pursue my love. Is there anything wrong about it? Or... you don’t want your sister to be happy?"

"I didn't mean that..." "You did."

Rebecca's eyes turned red in an instant, and she teared up. She wiped away her tears and complained, "If you really treat me as your sister, then help me once. Don't send me back home. Let me live here and study."

"You fool, it's not that I don't want you to stay here, but it's very dangerous for you to stay here. You might die at any time. Don't you know how bad the domestic situation is?"

Hendrix was worried about Rebecca's safety, so he wanted to send her back.


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