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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 607

I — nside the tightly shut door of the ward, Lily's breathing became sluggish, and her already pale little face became even whiter because of nervousness and fear.

She closed her eyes, feeling a little dizzy as she tried her best not to think about these things. However, she couldn't stop herself from thinking deeper into her thoughts. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

And at this moment, at the end of the corridor, Edwards Wayne searched around his pockets, only to discover that there was no cigarette.

Behind him, two men walked over. Edwards Wayne politely asked them for a cigarette.

The two men gave him a very ordinary cigarette, which Edwards Wayne had never smoked before.

However, at this moment, he took a deep puff. The suffocating smell instantly caused him to frown.

However, although it was suffocating, Edwards Wayne did not throw it away. Instead, he sucked it hungrily.

The expression on Lily's face just now seemed to have confirmed the little doubt in his heart.

He thought, he must be crazy to have such suspicions.

One was his brother, the other his most beloved woman.

He must have been overthinking things and his mood must have been too heavy today. That's why he had such wild thoughts.

"Boss ..." Just as Edwards Wayne was thinking about that, an anxious voice came from behind him.

It was his assistant, Larry.

"Do you have any cigarettes?" When Edwards Wayne saw him, the very first question that he had asked startled Larry a little.

After staring blankly for two seconds, he quickly responded, "Yes!"

Larry hurriedly took out the cigarette that Edwards Wayne always liked to smoke, and handed it over to him. As he lit it for him, he caringly said: "Boss, we are all very sad that Miss Lily hit a car accidence. I can understand your feelings, but you still have to take care of yourself, and smoke less cigarettes."

Edwards Wayne nodded, indicating that he took his concerns to heart.

"Have you investigated those cars yet?" Edwards Wayne asked coldly.

"Our people are also doing their best to search, and the police have arranged for people to be on duty twenty-four hours a day to investigate. Boss, don't worry, we will definitely find those murderers in the shortest time." Larry lowered his head, and didn't dare look at Edwards Wayne's eyes. Because, he felt that he had failed this time because he hasn't found out any clues yet.

"These bastards, if I find them, I will definitely kill them." Edwards Wayne roared angrily with a dark face.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely not let them go away. I suspect that they are only being ordered and there must be someone backing them. At that time, let's see who has the guts to fight against Miss Lily. Larry also hated these ruthless people.

"No matter who it is, I must find it." Edwards Wayne clenched his fists so tightly that his bones nearly creaked. It was obvious how angry he was.

"Boss, do you think they targeted at Miss Lily's arrival at you?" Because he didn't have a thorough understanding of the relationship between Boss and Lily, Larry didn't dare make a decision right away.

Edwards Wayne slightly narrowed his eyes and coldly snorted: "It's definitely not at me. In the eyes of an outsider, Lily and I aren't in any sort of relationship at the moment, and since I know that harming her won't affect me in any way, my enemies definitely wouldn't waste time to risk such a heavy crime.


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