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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 708

After Lily ate breakfast, she suddenly remembered to give Lareina a call. The old lady suddenly asked for Lareina's address, but she did not know what she wanted to say.

Previously, she seemed to remember that Edwards Wayne had asked for her address. Although he did not mention this matter to her later on, she knew that the relationship between Edwards Wayne and Lareina should have already been resolved.

"Hey!" A low and deep male voice came from the other end of the phone. Edwards Wayne's usual gentle tone made this winter not cold anymore.

Lily then said softly, "Your grandmother went to look for your mother, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"When did she go?" Edwards Wayne was obviously startled for a moment.

"she just left not too long ago!" Lily said in a low voice.

"It's fine, don't worry, my grandmother has already calmed down and won't do anything to my mother." Edwards Wayne immediately comforted her.

"Okay, have you settled your company's matters?" Lily asked in concern.

"I am still working on it? Are you awake?" Edwards Wayne didn't want to tell her too much about the company, he was afraid that she would be worried, so he immediately changed the topic.

"Yes, I woke up too late. I'm so embarrassed." Recently when she was recuperating at home, Lily's life was in disarray, and she felt that she had become even lazier than before.

"It's fine, you should get more rest. Do you want to come out for lunch?" Edwards Wayne also knew that it must be boring for her to stay at home, so he want to eat with her.

"Yes, but do you have time?"

"Yes, I can ask Billy William and Alan to come over together!" Edwards Wayne said softly, thinking that it had been a while since he was reunited with two good friends.

"Alright, then I'll be out at noon!" Lily was feeling depressed as well now. She was obviously very happy to be able to go out and mess around for a bit.

Edwards Wayne personally called his good friends, and the two of them happily agreed to come out to meet up.

Right now, Edwards Wayne and Alan both had to leave time for their children at night, so they could only come out at noon to chat.

Billy William was in a much more miserable state than them. With his big brother having taken a leave, he had managed to support the company by himself. With all sorts of things, he was so busy that his head was spinning, and he really wanted to find an opportunity to relax.

Around 12 o'clock, Edwards Wayne booked a place, and a few friends arrived as is planned. Lily came in a bodyguard car, accompanied by Lynn Wood, but Anne did not come over.

"Edwards Wayne, how is the matter with your company? Have you settled it yet?" Everyone gathered together and the first thing they asked was that the information of the Wayne Group was leaked. Although everyone had immediately called Edwards Wayne to ask about it and show their concern, at this moment, everyone was still paying attention to the progress of this matter.

"It's being handled right now. It's quite troublesome, but it's only a matter of time. Thank you for your concern." However, Edwards Wayne didn't want to discuss this kind of official business during a casual time. Everyone could finally relax a little and talk about their private matters happily.

Lynn Wood also spoke up from the side:. President Wayne, you still have to be more careful, this kind of thing has happened once, maybe it will happen again, it's better to clean up the company."


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