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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 829

D—empsey's tired eyes were deeply focused on the little woman beside him. After getting along with her for a long time, the two of them had a kind of tacit understanding with each other, and he was very grateful that she came over to separate the two little fellows. Because, he was not in a good mood today and was afraid that he wouldn't be able to catch the attention of the children.

"Let's go upstairs and take a bath!" Lily looked over to him and smiled.

That sweet smile was like a spring breeze that blew into Edwards's heart. He reached out his big hands and hugged her waist with restraint, then said in a low voice, "Follow me!"

The old lady suddenly walked over from the direction of the dining hall. When she saw Edwards, she immediately called out to him: "Edwards, come over here, I have something to ask you."

Seeing that the old lady had come out, Lily slowly struggled out of his big arms without leaving a trace of her presence.

In front of the old lady, Lily did not dare to be impudent at all, for fear of leaving a bad impression.

Edwards turned and walked in front of the old lady, and asked in a low voice: "Grandma, what's wrong?"

"Do you know what happened to your brother? Has he broken up with Eliza? " The old lady had not been able to make a phone call, so she was still brooding over it. Thus, she could only ask her eldest grandson about it.

Of course, Edwards knew about what she would ask and he also knew about the answer. However, he did not want to interfere.

"Grandma, I'm not too clear about this matter. You should ask Josh in person!" Edwards said softly.

"I can't get through to him. Why didn't he pick up the phone? It's really annoying." The old lady said angrily.

"He's fine, Granny, don't worry." Edwards believed that his brother was definitely not in a good mood right now. He did not answer the phone, maybe he just wanted to be alone and be quiet for a while.

"How can I not be worried? Give him a call later or ask someone to go and see him. Be sure that nothing will happen to him." The old lady still warned him worriedly.

"Alright, Grandma, don't worry. I'll call him." Edwards nodded, and then went upstairs with Lily.

After entering the bedroom, Lily received the suit jacket that he removed from his body. A hint of worry appeared on her face: "What happened to your brother and Miss Jones? You must know!"

"Yes, I know!" Edwards didn't hide anything from Lily, and after that, he said in a low voice: "Let's not bother with this matter, let him handle it himself!"

"Why did he break up? It can't be that there's a problem with their relationship, right? " Lily couldn't help but be curious.

"No, there's nothing wrong with their relationship. It's the trust between them that's gone wrong. The feeling of being tricked by others is not pleasant at all, especially by the person he loves." Edwards sneered.

Lily sighed and nodded, "That's right. If you lied to me, I would definitely be very sad."

Edwards's expression turned heavy. Both of his hands rested on her delicate shoulders as he slightly leaned forward and asked with a touch of gentleness in his lips, "When have I ever lied to you?"

"I mean the future!" Lily smiled craftily.

"I won't either in the future!" Edwards said with certainty.

Lily intentionally snorted lightly: "You've already lied to me before, do you remember?"

"About your parents?" Of course, Edwards remembered when he lied to her that his biological parents were dead, and made her cry sorrowfully several times.


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