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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 962

The combination of a handsome man and a beautiful woman was always particularly pleasing to the eyes. Perhaps standing together with a beautiful woman and a handsome man would give off a very intense feeling.

Bryant had a personality that many fans liked. No matter what kind of occasion he attended, he would wear a proper and strict suit, and it would be very fitting for him to wear a suit.

Today, he was wearing a dark blue suit with a simple white shirt. It didn't have any fancy colors, making him look like a man.

Mary Ann was also wearing an elegant dress today. Her long hair was casually tucked behind her head and was fluffy and light.

There were many media reporters seated below the stage. They were all holding their computers in their hands as they constantly filmed the two people sitting on the stage.

In the first period, the two people talked about movies, but when it came to the question segment, one of the reporters asked sharply, "Have the two of you thought about it? "Enormous fans have always felt that you guys are a good match. Can you give us a hand on the spot to satisfy our wishes?"

Mary Ann glanced at Bryant, who was also looking at her. Both of their hearts were in a mess.

"Hold onto one! Hold onto another!"

"Hurry up and hold hands, we really want to see!" Someone below the stage was shouting.

Bryant took the microphone, and teased in a low voice: "I am truly sorry, but I am afraid that I am unable to answer. I have always respected the Miss Yang, and we are friends."

Mary Ann secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Because she was young, she could never speak properly, and now, Bryant had taken the initiative to save her, making her feel grateful.

"Bryant, do you have a girlfriend? Who's your girlfriend? Can you tell me something? It's too mysterious, we really want to know! " "That's right. Rumor has it that you have a woman that you've loved for a very long time. Who exactly is that woman? We're just too curious!"

Mary Ann was startled, she turned and looked at Bryant, did he have a woman that he had loved for a very long time? Who is it?

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Immediately after, another reporter spoke up: "Bryant, I know you used to have a childhood playmate who was Wayne Family's mistress, Lily, right? Do you still have contact with her?"

Hearing Lily's name, both Bryant and Mary Ann's expression changed.

Amongt them, Bryant's expression became stiff, he directly returned the microphone to the host at the side, and did not reply anymore.

However, Mary Ann blinked her eyes in shock. Wow, this is big news.

Bryant narrowed his eyes in annoyance. He felt that these reporters must have done this to make things difficult for him, it must have been someone from Nebula's side, because the last time Eric Marum had called him several times, he was dissatisfied after being rejected. Since he couldn't recruit anyone, he might as well go and suppress them to the death.

Bryant never thought that Nebula Media would actually be so sinister as to attack him at such a time.


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