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Bound to My Billionaire Ex novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 I Like Your Body

Rejoyla's body tensed up as she looked into Jason's cold black eyes. Hurriedly, she covered her stomach and cried, "Ah, it hurts!"

Jason's scrutinizing gaze lingered on Rejoyla's face for a moment. Just when she thought he was about to discover her secret, he gently placed her on top of the cabinet and said, "Wait here!"

Rejoyla watched as Jason rummaged through the kitchen and managed to find some bread and several eggs and tomatoes. She told herself not to hope that he might surprise her with his cooking skills and captivate her with a delicious meal.

The fact was, Jason threw the bread to Rejoyla before boiling the tomatoes and eggs in a pot!

Shocked, Rejoyla jumped off the cabinet and stared at the unwashed eggs and tomatoes. With a wry smile, she asked, "What are you going to make?" Please don't tell her that he was planning to make tomato and egg soup!

Despite the fact that Jason wasn't a good cook, he knew that this wasn't the way to make tomato and egg soup. He pouted and said, "I assure you that it'll be edible. It's none of your concern!"

Rejoyla rubbed her forehead and pushed Jason aside. "Let me take care of this!"

Jason watched as Rejoyla neatly took out the bread and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

Rejoyla let out a gasp of surprise. She felt her stomach and then beamed. "Really, I'm feeling better now!"

She snuck a peek at Jason. It seemed that he had a pain-relieving effect on her-she had been scared by him!

After silently expressing her astonishment at Jason's peculiar ability, Rejoyla turned her attention to the ingredients before her. Although her stomachache had eased, she was still hungry and eager to satisfy her rumbling stomach.

With limited ingredients and a pressing need to eat, Rejoyla searched the seasoning area for milk, peanut butter, butter, and cream. She mixed the milk and cream, soaked the bread slices in the mixture, and began frying the eggs. When the fried eggs were ready, the bread slices were also well socked. She melted some butter in the pan and placed the bread slices, frying them until they were golden brown on both sides. Then, she divided the bread and eggs into two plates.

As for the tomatoes, Rejoyla blanched them in hot water to remove their skin, diced them into small pieces, and made them into a salad, which was then served in a glass bowl.


Rejoyla turned off the stove and checked if everything was well prepared. Then, she clasped her hands together, looked at the bread, fried eggs, and salad on the table, and smiled at Jason. "You know, the bread will taste even better with peanut butter, but I remember you don't like it. You can choose any sauce you want from over there. Where would you like to enjoy this meal? Here or back in the room?"

Jason grabbed a tray and placed everything, including peanut butter, on it. "Back in the room!" The messy kitchen wasn't an ideal spot for a meal.

Rejoyla craned her neck to look at the tray in Jason's hands. In fact, she was asking where Jason alone wanted to enjoy the meal. She preferred to stay in the kitchen, which was none of his business!

However, she refrained from speaking her mind and followed him back to the room.

In the room, Rejoyla consumed most of the food, while Jason only had a slice of bread and half a fried egg-a sign of dislike. Without hesitation, she finished her own plate and took his, devouring everything until there was nothing left.

Jason's gaze moved from the empty plates to Rejoyla's slender waist. Suddenly, he reached across the table and placed his big hand directly on her belly. Rejoyla was first confused, and then her face gradually turned red with anger. "Jason Sterling, Have you no decency? Get your hand off me!"

Jason's behavior was truly lewd!

He ran his hand across Rejoyla's belly before withdrawing it and saying in a flat tone, "Try to eat less. I don't like a big belly."

"Big belly?" Enraged, Rejoyla climbed to her feet and lunged at Jason, but she suddenly recalled something important. Her body stiffened, and she stumbled towards the plates and forks placed between her and Jason. She was going to be disfigured!

While Rejoyla instinctively held her head, she felt a strong hand steadied her body. Jason sighed as he looked at her. "Use your brain a little more, would you? You almost caused an accident. Rejoyla, were you trying to hit on me? If that was your aim, you could have just told me. There was no need for this kind of trouble!"


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