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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 66

Chapter 62:

Aiden’s POV

“Is everything alright? What happened back there earlier? You scared us.” Nick said.

Ashira is now resting as well as Quillon. This is a long night and Ashira gave birth easily and faster than expected.

“Yes. Nothing was wrong. Go to Zynia and ask her to come in my office. I’ll head there and wait for her.”

Nick looked confuse and I know he have a lot of question in his head but I can’t disclose this to anyone yet. I will soon, I know.

I didn’t wait for Nick to say more and turned to go inside the office. It’s not too long and Zynia came knocking.

“Alpha Aiden.” she greeted.

“Please close the door, Z.” I asked and she did. “Take a seat.”

I grabbed a glass and wine for us, giving her the other while I sip on mine, trying to clear the thoughts swirling inside my head.

“About Quillon…” I sighed. “I guess your calculations are right, Z. He does possess the same power of the Alpha King. I’m beyond grateful that Zeron didn’t acquire what he wanted but I’m also afraid for what may come for my child.”

“I understand your concern, Alpha Aiden. Your child is still young and unable to protect himself yet. The King does not know about this, he thinks he succeeded and its better he think that way.”

“The child concealed his power himself. We saw how he hide the colors of his eyes, we felt how the surging power inside him was shroud. As if he understand the danger, as if he ain’t a newborn. Is that possible?”

“To be honest, I’m without knowledge with a child next in line to the highest throne. I’m not saying we shouldn’t trust the child for his ability but time will come that his power will come out without his desire to do so.”

She is right. And I can’t risk the chances. It’s us versus the Alpha King. Even with Quillon on our side, having him unaware of his own power, we won’t stand a chance.

And I don’t know if the King will be too generous to spare a child’s life if that child is what he feared.

“I’ve studied something about the royal’s life before. The Alpha King has a sword embedded with a gem that matches the color of his eyes. The Paraiba Tourmaline. It is use to conceal ones power, and let it out or be controlled by the owner’s free will. I will look for that kind of gem, we need to seal Quillon’s power for now.”

“And what of Luna Ashira?”

“I will tell her. I will tell this to my Beta and Gamma, as well. I’ve thought the less person who knew, the better. But its different now, I will need a hand. I will need all your help.”

“I’m honored to be trusted, Alpha Aiden.”

“I need Zeke to know about this, too. He knew a lot of rogue and those connection can be useful in finding a Paraiba Tourmaline gem. I will let you handle spreading the word to him as I know you will go back to Ravenous.”

“In a few days, I will. And I’m make sure my son will help your child, Alpha Aiden.”

Our meeting has ended and I started the plan on my own. I called for Seth and Nick, began explaining the matter at hand to them.

“You mean your pup can be the next Alpha King?” Nick burst.

“You just repeated what he said.” Seth sighed. “From how you sound, it means Quillon will be in danger.”

“Once this news spread and reached the King’s ears, I believe he will.” I answered. Its a good thing they knew about what Zeron wanted to have when he offered to help Ashira’s case. They caught up quickly with the issue. “It will be better to keep this on us. Keep this unknown from your mates, as well.”

“You can trust us on that, Aiden.” Seth said and I can see how serious he was.

“So where is this gem located?” Nick asked. “If you studied it before then it might be written there where we can find it.”

“We will conduct a thorough research about the gemstone. I also asked for Zeke’s help given his connections with the rogues. And it will be less suspicious that he is the one looking for it.”

“Okay. We will do our best for this, too.”

“One more thing I needed to ask the both of you is to look after Quillon as he grows. One needs to tend to him when I’m busy. He will grew faster than a normal pup. In just a month, I’m sure he will act like a five-year old child though I hope he will stop developing fast at that age like a normal wolf.”

“I think that will be my job now.” Seth offered. “I’m the Luna’s protector and the both of you needed to attent the pack works.”

“Indeed. Once he lose control of his concealment, someone needed to remind him. The child is an infant yet he understood me well.”

“You also need to discuss this with Ashira, Aiden.” Nick said in a worry tone.

I paused for a minute. “I will. She is one of the person that will be closest to Quillon.”

“She won’t get angry with you this time. The King gained nothing, nothing was taken from you guys.”

“She will understand you. Don’t keep lying to her about this.” Seth seconded.

I nodded my head and sighed. “I know.”


Ashira’s POV

A moment of silence enveloped the both of us.

Quillon was sleeping soundly on his crib after I feed him. I can’t believe I delivered my son safely, I thought I’m gonna die from the pain! But seeing him now, so cute and tiny, hearing his little heartbeat, I feel so blessed and all the pain I had has gone.

And this early in the morning, Aiden talked to me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” I can’t count how many times he apologized. “I had no choice at that time. I want you back to me, I was willing to trade even my life just to have you again. I know what I did was egocentric but-”

“Shh!” I placed my finger on his lip, trying to stop him from talking. I had too much information that my head can’t absorb it well. “The Alpha King took our child’s power in exchange of healing me, did I got it right? Don’t speak yet, just move your head.”

I took my finger away his lips and Aiden slowly nodded. I can see the regrets in his eyes, he looked pleading even without uttering a word. I can only guess how many ‘sorry’ he was having inside his head from how he looked right now.

“And you agreed?”

“I don’t-”

“Don’t speak yet.” I cut in.

He sighed and nodded his head.

I don’t know why Aiden look like I won’t even understand a word. I’m not that narrow-minded and I know he was under desperate times. Seeing him fear the thought of losing me, I know he is capable of doing anything just to save me in any circumstances.

What I hate right now is how he gave so little of trust to me.

I sighed.

“I’m not mad at what you did, Aiden.” I leaned closer to him and caress his cheek. He closed his eyes and held my hand, I smiled. “But you should have trusted me. I understand how… you felt that time. I know I can only imagine the pain that you faced alone, but I’m back now. I’m here. And I forgive you for that.”

He opened his eyes and I saw it waters as it glinted. “I love you.” is what he said.

I smiled. “Me, too. But since the child still possess his power, this can be a dangerous time, did I get that right?”

“Yes. We believed that Zeron don’t want to give up the throne that is why he tried taking Quillon’s gift.”

“And he failed.”

He nodded, grabbed my hand and kissed it. “Yes, unfortunately.”

Unfortunately. Yes, I will agree to him on that. We shared the same thought and I won’t ask for more of my son. He was just born and a huge responsibility is already hanging on his shoulder. I can’t believe I will give birth to a possible candidate for the royal throne but given the enemy we will face because of this, I can’t be joyed.

“Is there anything we could do to… stop any possible danger?”

I looked at my son’s crib and watched as he sleeps. Oh, young one. Aiden hugged me from behind and I know we share the same emotions.

I can feel him. We are scared.

“I’m already working on it.”

“Okay. I trust you and I believe you can find the answers. Tell me if I can help in any way, please…”

“You’re already helping, baby.” he turned me to face him. “Being the mother of our child is help enough. Though you need to watch out for some possibility that he may leak his powers unintentionally.” he kissed me on my cheek and I chuckled from how his words sounded.

“f course he might without intent. You made it seem like he knows what he is doing. O” I chuckled more.

“Oh, he does.” Aiden said with pride.


I pushed him and find his eyes. He is serious! Quillon was just born yesterday and Aiden’s already telling me that our child is with knowledge of this problem? At one day old?!

Aiden gave me a smug smile and that creep me more! “Aiden!” I smacked his chest. “Tell me what you mean!”

He laughed and grabbed my fist that hitting him, pulling me closer. “Believe me, Ashira. Our son understands us even at his early age. The level of his intelligence is not of a regular stealer pup, he is more developed. Try talking to him about things and you will see it for yourself.”

Oh, wow. I never thought I will have this feeling of discovering more from my child. No wonder my wolf said he is grumpy and snob! Quillon is a unique child!

“I can’t believe I gave birth to such a beautiful child like him…” I whispered, dozing off with my thoughts.

“With or without these gifts, he is beautiful.” Aiden said, looking at Quillon’s crib. “And cute. Our son is the second cutest thing I’ve seen in my life.”

“Huh?” Who’s the first one?

Aiden laughed and pulled me for an embrace. “Thank you for giving me a family, Ashira. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.”


It’s been two months since I gave birth to Quillon and I can’t believe how fast he grows.

“Quillon, don’t go too far!”

We are at our spot and Quillon can’t pull himself out of the river. He loved running after the fishes and he’s been on it for half an hour.

Yes, my two months old son is already swimming. He can also talk, almost do everything, to be honest.

Normal wolf pup reaches this stage on fifth month and then the development will stop, making them grow normally. Stealer wolf pup on the other hand only needed two months and then the development will be in a regular time.

But Quillon has reached the normal development stage at one month. He is 100cm tall now, his speaking is well and can easily learn things. His strength is too much that he already started having a spar training with Seth.

Aiden said it was because of the King’s ability. He is born with a gift that even the Alpha King failed to take.

Suddenly, I felt a cold shoulder and looked at where Quillon was.





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