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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue novel Chapter 1804

Chapter 1804 of Can’t Win Me Back novel by Ginger Sue, where you'll immerse yourself in a world of captivating and sensual stories. The story revolves around Alyssa Taylor, an individual with deep mysteries and a life full of challenges.

In Chapter 1804, we'll witness a new step in Alyssa's journey. The main character will face new difficulties and challenges, taking them through a range of emotions from happiness to pain, from excitement to negativity.

As a deep dive into the mind and heart of the main character, this chapter will heighten the tension and excitement, while also unveiling new aspects of the story and characters.

Get ready for an adventure full of excitement and surprises as you readChapter 1804 of Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue on novelfreepdf.com

Amidst her mental distress, Lauren had also been injected with a high dose of sedative. Hence, she still hadn't stirred when morning came.

Meanwhile, Landon stood resolutely in the freezing courtyard like a lone sentinel. His entire body had gone numb from the freezing cold.

Though his face had paled considerably, he dared not budge. He was close to his limit, yet the hope of Lauren seeing him upon waking kept him rooted to the spot.

Why this cruel twist of fate? Once inseparable, they were now denied even a glimpse of each other.

Lost in thought, Landon was startled by the sound of approaching footsteps—hurried yet firm.

"I'll take you home, Landon," Jasper's voice was low and strained, filled with frustration and deep concern for his friend. "You're being absurd! There's no point in you torturing yourself like this!"

Landon groaned as he lowered his frigid gaze. His face was so stiff he could barely form an expression.

"You once waited outside Heightsnew Villa to beg for Lyse's family's forgiveness. Why can't I do the same?"

A lump formed in Jasper's throat. "Our circumstances are different."

"How are they different? I, too, seek Grandpa Newton's forgiveness… I, too, yearn to see my wife. How is this any different?" Landon's agitation intensified, his frail body swaying precariously forward.


Jasper's reflexes were lightning-fast. He extended both arms and caught Landon before he could fall. Thankfully, Jasper's superior height and build were crucial in that moment. If he were an average man, he might not have been able to break Landon's fall.

"Jasper… I miss my wife," Landon choked out, his voice thick with emotion. Tears welled up in his red-rimmed eyes. He leaned his forehead against Jasper's broad shoulder, struggling to regain his composure.

In a raspy whisper, he confessed, "Not seeing Lauren feels like someone ripped my heart out."

His fists pounded his chest in a display of raw pain. "It hurts so bad, Jasper. Like… it could kill me."

"Listen to me. Let's go to the hospital first. You need to get checked out."

Landon shivered. Jasper offered a comforting pat on his back in the face of his pain. "After that, come back to Lyse and my place. Mrs. Rosie will take good care of you. You can rest, and when you wake up, I'll arrange for you to see Lauren."

After much persuasion, Jasper and Jordan helped Landon into the car and rushed him to the hospital.

At the hospital, Landon lay in his ward, an IV drip delivering fluids. Occasional coughs wracked his weakened body. The harsh cold had taken its toll; he'd fallen ill.


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