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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue novel Chapter 410

Chapter 410 of Can’t Win Me Back novel by Ginger Sue, where you'll immerse yourself in a world of captivating and sensual stories. The story revolves around Alyssa Taylor, an individual with deep mysteries and a life full of challenges.

In Chapter 410, we'll witness a new step in Alyssa's journey. The main character will face new difficulties and challenges, taking them through a range of emotions from happiness to pain, from excitement to negativity.

As a deep dive into the mind and heart of the main character, this chapter will heighten the tension and excitement, while also unveiling new aspects of the story and characters.

Get ready for an adventure full of excitement and surprises as you readChapter 410 of Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue on novelfreepdf.com

Chapter 410 

“Zoe, Lauren is not an idiot! You can’t call her that!” Landon chastised Zoe, deeply disturbed by her hurtful description of Lauren. 

In his eyes, Zoe had always been an angel. Sure, she could be a bit petulant at times, but she was inherently kind and soft-hearted. 

However, in this particular moment, Zoe seemed contorted by rage and hatred, as if she had a personal vendetta against Lauren and wanted nothing more than to tear her apart. 

Was it all because he had spent the night with Lauren? 

Throughout his years of casual encounters, Landon had never witnessed Zoe reacting so strongly against any of his romantic partners. Why was she agitated just because he was being good to Lauren? 

“Y-You yelled at me for calling her an idiot. How could you…. Zoe’s flushed face had now paled, and the icy, piercing look in Landon’s eyes caused beads of sweat to form on her forehead. 

“Lauren is not an idiot, Zoe. I never want to hear you say that again. If it happens one more time, I’ll be 

genuinely upset with you. 

Landon took a deep breath with a flat look and continued. “Dad passed away when you were very young. 

“Mom didn’t have the time and energy to take care of us because she was busy dealing with other 

matters. I was the one who looked after you. I fed you, played with you, and changed your diapers. 

“How could you accuse me of not being good enough to you? In my 20 years of life, I’ve never felt such 

pain,” Landon lamented. 

“Landon …” Zoe was confounded. Her voice was shaking. 

“It’s not that I don’t care about you. We’ve grown up, and I’m looking out for you in a different way. Your 

just haven’t realized it yet,” he explained. 

Landon’s eyes darkened as he questioned her, “I don’t blame you for misunderstanding me, but I don’t 

understand your animosity toward Lauren. Has she offended you in any way?” 

“I… I just don’t like her. She doesn’t deserve to be with you!” Zoe panicked at his question and quickly 

made up an excuse. 

He tightened his jaw and looked at her sternly. “Zoe, you have no right to look down on her. As the daughter of the Beckett Family, her social standing is on par with us. 

After what seemed like a love confession, Landon left in great strides, leaving behind the humiliated Zoe, 

who gritted her teeth. 

One week had passed since Ada Kingsley terminated her contract with KS World Hotel. During that time, Sean had deployed individuals to closely monitor the members of the planning team, but they had 

uncovered nothing suspicious. 

After a week had gone by, Sean found himself scratching his head in puzzlement. 

He said, “It’s been a week, and our operatives have made no progress. Could it be that we’ve been pursuing the wrong lead? Maybe there’s no mole within our team after all.” 

Alyssa, engrossed in a video game, chimed in with a question, “Has any of them attempted to contact 

Abigail Grant?” 

Sean shook his head. “No, everything has remained calm on that front.” 

Alyssa mused, “Perhaps it’s the calm before the storm. It seems like the mole won’t take the bait unless 

we put on a convincing act.” 

She continued to play her game, humming a tune while executing the last surviving opponent. Sean had 

to avert his eyes from the graphic violence. 

She instructed, “Let’s gather all the team members in the meeting room for a meeting.” 

Half an hour later, the eight staff members in charge of planning Ada Kingsley’s wedding arrived at the meeting room on time. After they waited for 10 minutes, Alyssa finally entered the room in high spirits. 


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