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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue novel Chapter 418

Chapter 418 of Can’t Win Me Back novel by Ginger Sue, where you'll immerse yourself in a world of captivating and sensual stories. The story revolves around Alyssa Taylor, an individual with deep mysteries and a life full of challenges.

In Chapter 418, we'll witness a new step in Alyssa's journey. The main character will face new difficulties and challenges, taking them through a range of emotions from happiness to pain, from excitement to negativity.

As a deep dive into the mind and heart of the main character, this chapter will heighten the tension and excitement, while also unveiling new aspects of the story and characters.

Get ready for an adventure full of excitement and surprises as you readChapter 418 of Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue on novelfreepdf.com

Chapter 418 

Bryan’s eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets. He staggered one step backward, almost losing his 


“Do you still have anything to say now, given the multitude of witnesses and concrete evidence?” 

Sean was already considering what punishments Bryan should suffer. 

When he thought about how much Alyssa had endured in the past few days because of that wretched Bryan, his hatred for him ran so deep that his eyes turned red with loathing. 

“I’ve got nothing to say.” 

Although Bryan was petrified, his love for Abigail surprisingly overcame the fear. He had the courage and confidence to confront Alyssa and Sean. 

He confessed, saying, “It was me who stole the proposal and sold it to the media. I did it all. I’m willing to accept the consequences.” 

But his defiant tone and the tension in his corded neck clearly contradicted what he had just said. Bryan was obviously defiant. 

Sean clenched his jaw. Seeing how defiant Bryan was, he really wanted to punch him in the face. 

“Except for Sean, the rest of you, please wait outside in the corridor,” said Alyssa assertively, breaking her 


The bodyguards immediately followed her orders and made their way out. 

“Bryan, since we’ve come to this point, I might as well just tell you everything.” 

Alyssa strode over to the couch and took a seat. She casually grabbed a piece of chocolate from a plate. She opened the wrapper and popped it into her mouth. 

“There was no such thing as a new proposal in the first place. And I never made an appointment with Ada, “stated Alyssa. 

“What … did you say?” Bryan was flabbergasted. 

Alyssa chuckled. “If you don’t believe me, go ahead and flip the pages.” 

With trembling hands, he skimmed through the “proposal”. In an instant, he broke into a sweat. Apart from the first page containing some text, the rest were blank in the document! 

Moreover, his testimony had been recorded by Sean with a recorder earlier on when he admitted to his crime. Additionally, everyone on the scene earlier qualified as witnesses. 

Bryan had fallen for Alyssa’s trap. She tricked him! 

“Alyssa Taylor, how do you know it was me?” 

At this point, Bryan finally revealed his true colors. He questioned her directly, demanding an explanation. 

“It’s impossible for outsiders to obtain information from KS Hotel-unless one of us is a mole. That’s the only scenario in which outsiders might be able to take advantage of us.” 

Alyssa chewed on the chocolate slowly, then said, “After the incident, I knew there was a traitor among us. So, I secretly monitored each of you. 

“However, you were extremely cautious and composed. You even refrained from getting in touch with 


“If it weren’t for me baiting you into taking this risk, you might have escaped unnoticed. It wasn’t easy for me to pinpoint your weakness.” 

*Do… Do you know Abby? How did you find out about her?” Bryan’s heart was solely focused on his girlfriend. He seemed to care little about his current predicament. 

“Hey, don’t you forget who Ms. Alyssa is, Sean sneered at Bryan’s dumb question. 

Bryan’s shoulders slumped dejectedly. 

How could he possibly keep Abby hidden from Alyssa, with her wealth and prestigious background? 

His adversary was too powerful, to the point of being disheartening. 

“Bryan, you’ve worked at KS World for almost ten years. During this time, you’ve organized countless high- quality events. 


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