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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue novel Chapter 643

Chapter 643 of Can’t Win Me Back novel by Ginger Sue, where you'll immerse yourself in a world of captivating and sensual stories. The story revolves around Alyssa Taylor, an individual with deep mysteries and a life full of challenges.

In Chapter 643, we'll witness a new step in Alyssa's journey. The main character will face new difficulties and challenges, taking them through a range of emotions from happiness to pain, from excitement to negativity.

As a deep dive into the mind and heart of the main character, this chapter will heighten the tension and excitement, while also unveiling new aspects of the story and characters.

Get ready for an adventure full of excitement and surprises as you readChapter 643 of Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue on novelfreepdf.com

Chapter 643 

KS World Hotel was brimming with activity in comparison to Berenike Hotel Luxury cars filled the streets. outside, and their owners were all well known members of elite society. Many were dressed exceptionally well, bejeweled, and dazzling in their own way. 

Though Winston had agreed to Lyla’s request to make this celebration as low key as possible, who could maintain a low profile in the Taylor family? 

They held a formidable position in society and were already planning on developing further in Solana City, 

so it was only natural for their quests to show respect by turning up. 

Plus, Winston was father to the latest star on the rise-Alyssa Taylor! 

In order not to steal Lyla’s spotlight, Colene and Mandy remained upstairs, where they tended to their close friends instead of joining the party. Rather than feeling left out, they were glad to have such a 

relaxed time to themselves. 

Meanwhile, Tatiana was helping Alyssa tend to the guests since it was her mother’s birthday after all. 

Tatiana was dressed in a yellow gown that Alyssa had picked out for her. Its hemline shimmered around 

her feet, making her look as magical and dreamy as a fairytale princess 

She was grateful that Alyssa had taken the effort to dress her up. However, she still thought Alyssa was 

far more dazzling in her black gown with its long train. 

Tatiana’s sneaky glances at her sister soon turned into outright gawking. 

“Taty? Is there something on my face? Alyssa asked, seeing how dazed her sister was. 

“Oh no, no.” Tatiana blushed. 

“Are you tired? There’s still some time until the celebration starts. Why don’t I arrange a room for you. 

upstairs so you can rest?” Alyssa offered. 

“No, it’s okay, I’m not tired. Tatiana quickly shook her head. 

Sean suddenly ran inside, sweat staining his forehead. “Ms. Alyssa, the Schmidts are here!” 

Tatiana hurriedly took out a handkerchief from her purse. She held it tightly, afraid of actually giving it to 


“Look at how much you’re sweating.” Alyssa said with her lips pursed. 

She gently pushed Tatiana forward. “You have a handkerchief, right, Taty? Can you help Sean out?” 

Both Sona Tatiana were stunned by her suggestion. Their faces quickly flushed red. 

Taba gerly went up to Sean, about to dals his forehead dry, when Sean swiftly snatched the bakerchief away to wipe it himself. His heart was pounding in his chest. 

ank you Ms. Tatiana, but I can do this myself.” 

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Youle welcome.” Tatiana murmured, gnawing at her lip as disappointment welled in her chest. 

T get you a new handkerchief to replace this one.” Sean winced, folding the cloth away. 

No need You can have it.” Tatiana smiled lightly. 

Assa watched on silently, though she could tell something was up. Why was Sean, who was usually steadfast and helped her take care of everything, suddenly acting so meek in front of Tatiana? 

Just then, the Schmidt family walked in. 

The Schmidts had four children in total, Only Lucille Schmidt was overseas right now and hence unable attend. Although the three sons had said they would attend, Jameson was nowhere to be found among 

his brothers 

Josh was there with his wife, Clarissa Sparks, while David followed behind. 

The moment Alyssa saw Josh, an imperceptibly grim look appeared in her eyes. 

Long time, no see, Lyse,” David called fondly, entirely unlike his usual proud self. 

Alyssa’s smile was light. “I don’t think it’s been too long. We did meet the last time in Belbanks. But it’s been a long time since you’ve met my sister, Tatiana.” 

She could understand why David was so enthusiastic around her. After all, who wouldn’t want a womant 

as capable as her? 

But Alyssa couldn’t tolerate how he had just ignored Tatiana, who was no different from her in terms of 


David blinked, stunned for a moment. He really hadn’t recognized Tatiana. 

“Hi there, Mr. David,” Tatiana said gently, not minding his attitude at all. 

Josh’s expression was neutral as he glanced at Tatiana and Sean. He smiled lightly, saying, “Your mind is 

too one-tracked, David. 

“How could you forget about everyone else the moment you see Ms. Alyssa? Hurry up and show Ms. 

Tatiana the respect she deserves.” 

+15 BONUS 


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