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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue novel Chapter 750

Chapter 750 of Can’t Win Me Back novel by Ginger Sue, where you'll immerse yourself in a world of captivating and sensual stories. The story revolves around Alyssa Taylor, an individual with deep mysteries and a life full of challenges.

In Chapter 750, we'll witness a new step in Alyssa's journey. The main character will face new difficulties and challenges, taking them through a range of emotions from happiness to pain, from excitement to negativity.

As a deep dive into the mind and heart of the main character, this chapter will heighten the tension and excitement, while also unveiling new aspects of the story and characters.

Get ready for an adventure full of excitement and surprises as you readChapter 750 of Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue on novelfreepdf.com

Chapter 750 

Jasper’s eyes were red as he took a step forward. His warm and shaky breath brushed against Alyssa’s 

red nose as he reached out to hug her. 

‘Don’t touch me!” 

Suddenly, Alyssa, like a hedgehog with raised spines, stepped back and threw the ice cream she was 

holding directly onto his shirt. 

“Lyse, I’m telling the truth!” 

Jasper’s arms hung in the air, torn between wanting to approach her and fearing her resentment. He was 

in such a tangle that he was on the brink of madness. 

Jasper exclaimed, “I called you so many times tonight, but you didn’t answer! I thought something had 

happened to you, and I’ve been worried about you all night!! 

Alyssa was startled. 

So many times? When did he even call? 

Was he making things up? 

Alyssa didn’t receive any calls. 

Jasper was a liar-a liar who didn’t even make the effort to craft a believable lie! 

“I received photos from an anonymous number. They showed you being embraced by a stranger, entering 

a hotel together! I was worried for your safety, so I went to the hotel to find you. That’s when the scene 

with the reporters occurred!” 

Alyssa looked at him with a mocking expression “Jasper, if you’re going to make up an excuse, at least 

make it believable. If I had known you were going to say these baseless and nonsensical lies, I wouldn’t 

have bothered coming to see you at all.” 

“I have proof.” 

Jasper gritted his teeth and, with hands shaking from the cold, he pulled out his phone. 

Alyssa’s heart raced, her lips pursed. She was giving him the benefit of the doubt. 

“These are the photos I received. Look, isn’t the person in these photos. 

Suddenly, Jasper’s eyes widened, fixated on the phone screen, repeatedly checking the messages in the 

The photos sent to him via text messages had all vanished! 

He swiped the screen frantically with trembling fingers. His perplexed stare gave the impression it could 

penetrate the screen, but he couldn’t locate the photos serving as evidence 

Alyssa couldn’t believe that the photos had all vanished. 

She forced a smile, but her eyes lacked any hint of amusement. She spoke coldly, sending a chill through 

Jasper’s heart. “Jasper, if you haven’t thought of a good reason or excuse, there’s really no need to rush to 

see me 

“I didn’t want to see you before, and I don’t want to see you now or in the future.” 

As Jasper watched her walk past him, Jasper felt as if he had fallen into an icy abyss. 

“Lyse! Lyse, don’t go!” 

He was about to stop her when another voice said, “Lyse.” 

Alyssa looked up and saw Jameson standing a few steps away. He was still wearing a patient’s gown, covered only by a sheepskin coat. His face was paler than the snow. 

*Jimmy! Why did you leave the hospital? Don’t you realize you’re still injured?” 


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