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Changing Only For Her novel (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 170


When she saw Ysabelle’s miserable expression, Sophie couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Tristan, as Ysabelle’s uncle, can’t you put in a good word for her?”

There’s nothing wrong with joining the entertainment industry as long as that’s where her passion lies. Considering the Lombard family’s position in Jipsdale, no one in the industry would dare take advantage of her in the event she does.

“Mm-hmm, I’ll talk to my brother about it in a few days.” As he was occupied with Josiah’s matter, he had no time to spare for Ysabelle’s affairs.

Nonetheless, since Sophie had made a request, he would definitely get to it.

After leading Sophie to a private room, both of them sat and waited after ordering.

The moment Sophie went online, Butterfly’s messages came in.

Butterfly: Phantom, you’re finally here. Have you been busy? Why haven’t you come online recently?

Phantom: I’ve been busy taking care of things at home. Did something happen? How are things at Wings of Light?

Butterfly: What’s wrong? Do you need our help? If you do, just press 1.

Sophie couldn’t help but smile at Butterfly’s joke.

Phantom: I’m fine. My grandpa has just gone for an operation. There’s nothing you can do even if you’re here.

Butterfly: I see. In that case, I’ll visit him tomorrow. Just give me the address.

Phantom: That’s not necessary. He’s still recovering and needs a lot of rest.

Butterfly: All right then. I’ll visit him when he’s better, as I’ve been planning to see him for some time. Please keep me updated.

Phantom: Is everything all right with Wings of Light?

Butterfly: It’s fine. Their influence has been expanding under my leadership, so there’s nothing for you to worry about.

Phantom: Okay, I’m logging off now. You should rest early too.

I know Butterfly is a night owl, but why isn’t she sleeping yet? It’s almost dawn now.

Butterfly: I can’t sleep as I just broke up. From the look of things, I’m really not suited to be in a relationship.

Sophie was at a loss for words.

She goes through a breakup once a month. I really have no idea what to say.

Butterfly: Ah, I just keep meeting lousy men. It’s not my problem, but the men I keep seeing are terrible.

Phantom: I have to go, as I’m about to eat.

Tristan’s gaze was fixed on her as she was chatting with Butterfly from the moment she sat down.

After logging out of her phone, Sophie put it aside.

“Who was it?” How can there be someone who has a greater hold on her than me? To the extent that she just can’t put down her phone?

“A friend.” As Tristan still didn’t know that she was Phantom, it wasn’t the right time to tell him about Butterfly yet.

“Fine.” Sensing her reluctance, Tristan didn’t press on.

When the food was served, Sophie grabbed a skewer of grilled meat and took a bite.

Even though it was delicious, she didn’t feel that it tasted much better than one from a street stall.

Since spices were the most important ingredient in a barbecue, she enjoyed the particular restaurant’s spice rub.

Sophie, who noticed Tristan wasn’t eating, handed a skewer to him.

“Aren’t you hungry too? Dig in!”

Instead of receiving it, Tristan grabbed her hand and took a bite from her skewer.

Sophie was rendered speechless.

Does he want me to feed him? She let out a sigh.

This is such a pain. Must I also feed him during meals whenever we’re together?

Isn’t she in love with Mason? What changed? Does she not fancy him anymore after what happened to his leg? That aside, why is Clayton with her?

There’s no reason for Clayton and Willow to be in the same social setting. Now that he has her by his side, what is he planning? Who is he targeting?

Is Sophie already jealous when I haven’t even done anything? All I’m doing is show up by Clayton’s side. In that case, wouldn’t she rage in jealous envy if Clayton and I really got together?

I don’t care what happens to Willow, but now that I control the Tanner family, there’s no way I’m going to let her harm the family’s interest.


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