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Changing Only For Her novel (Sophie and Tristan) novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285 Backer

How can there be such a vast difference between two people? While I’ve been asleep until now, Sophie has already written all those lyrics!

"I admire you so much, Sophie. Although we’re roughly the same age, we couldn’t be more different."

Honestly, I really get an inferiority complex when I’m with her. That’s because she’s just incredible!

"You’re exaggerating. Come on. The housekeeper has probably finished preparing lunch. You can decide whether you want to eat now or wait until your uncle returns to eat with him,"Sophie said.

After all, Ysabelle had not eaten breakfast.

"I’m not hungry. Hurry up and continue writing! I’ve no interest in breakfast and am way more fascinated by your lyrics."

"Go and eat. Skipping breakfast isn’t good for the stomach,"

Sophie responded firmly. Ysabelle was rendered speechless but obediently went to have breakfast in the end.

There was still some food left from what Sophie bought for breakfast, so after getting the housekeeper to warm the leftovers, Ysabelle sat at the dining table to eat. She ate a little, then went to look for Sophie in the study.

Even though she had only been gone for a while, Sophie had already completed the lyrics and was in the middle of recording the demo.

Ysabelle went in quietly. Not daring to disturb, she merely sat to one side to listen. I was thoroughly impressed when I heard the melody previously. But now, hearing Sophie recording a demo live astounds me even more. Sophie’s genius completely obliterates what little talent I have, reducing it to nothing.

After completing the recording, Sophie spotted Ysabelle deep in thought. She walked over to the latter and tapped her on the shoulder.

"What’s the matter?"

Why has she become like this after returning from having breakfast? In a particularly solemn tone, Ysabelle asked, "Can I really become a singer? When it comes to talent, I can’t even compare to one-tenth of what you have."

Seeing that Ysabelle’s confidence seemed to have taken a hit, Sophie sat on the carpet too and said, "Why are you thinking so much? Do you have any idea how many singers there are in Chanaea? Not every one of them knows how to write songs. To succeed in the entertainment industry, one must possess something that makes them unique. There’s something special about your voice that makes it memorable to others. Just that is enough."

"Really? You’re not just saying that to comfort me?"

"Really. I’m definitely not just comforting you, nor am I any good at doing that. Just go ahead and do whatever you like without any worries. You still have me to tend to everything else, don’t you?"

With me around, she doesn’t have to worry about a thing! Touched, Ysabelle leaned against Sophie’s shoulder.

"How did I get so lucky to meet someone as amazing as you? What would my life be like if I didn’t get to know you?"

Ysabelle dared not think about it. Sophie was silent, not knowing what to say.

"I’m being serious. I’m definitely not trying to butter you up!"

Sophie got up, then sent the demo to Mark. The Wheelers were in the middle of practice when they received it.

"Sophie sent over her demo. Let’s listen to it together."

They all believed in Sophie completely. We were blown away after hearing the melody the last time, and now, she has sent us a demo! The five of them sat on the floor to listen to it, and once it was over, they were dumbstruck.

"Seriously, is she even human?"

Is there anything she doesn’t know how to do? And as if it’s not enough that she knows how to do everything, she goes all out in whatever she does! Sophie is truly terrifying!

"Let’s make the decision now. This is going to be the title track for our next album."

Mark was also brimming with excitement, confident that they would make waves with that song. The other four raised their hands in agreement. After listening to the demo, Sunny immediately video-called Sophie.

"Sophie, you’re remarkable! Also, are you really not planning to return? If you wanted to, you’d surely become a global hit with talent like yours."

"I don’t want to be a global hit. It’s better if I’m just your backer," she replied.


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