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Chosen By The Dragon Kings novel Chapter 94

Elora’s POV

“Just let me hold you, you never let me touch you” Silas whispers next to my ear, his face so close as he breathed in my scent, yet I couldn’t relax not in his arms, not near him at all. My body craved his touch, craved the feelings of the bond, yet my mind screamed that he would take my baby, that it was all a trick and would soon take the one thing that was truly mine, a literal piece of me and he would soon take that as well.

Silas walked up the stairs toward our bedroom the sight of the door coming into view made panic rise deep within my chest as my breathing increased, my chest rising and falling quicker.

“I won’t hurt you,” Silas tells me, and I pull my face back looking up at him, his face so close I become mesmerised by his beauty, the sharp line of his face, the way his jaw clenched and unclenched, the colour of his eyes though frightening cold most of the time, to me they looked beautiful with the way the gold sparkled throughout them, though behind all that was a monster. Even though I deny him, I couldn’t help but still love him even if he were a monster, even if it meant my death.

My mind keeping me wary while my body yearned for him. A torture, I was sure would kill me, two parts of me at war with each, pushing and pulling to see which part would win.

I hadn’t even realised we had stopped not until he cleared his throat making my face heat when I realise, I was staring at him trapped in the confines of my own mind. He made no move to put me down and part of me didn’t want him to, though the rational part of me had me wriggling to get out his grip.

He places me on my feet with a sigh, before turning and walking out, I thought he was leaving so stripped off and hopped into the shower, leaves stuck in my hair as I tried to pull them out of the tangled mess. Rinsing my face and hair I run my fingers through it, my fingers getting knotted and tangled in my hair as I try to rid it of the leaves and twigs when I feel hands run across the bottom of my stomach making eyes snap open, to find Silas in the shower, his eyes downcast as his hands glided over my stomach.

I could feel our baby moving before kicking my side, Silas eyes watching my belly move and moving his hand only to feel our baby roll, Silas once again missing the movement he was intent on feeling as he watched my stomach ripple.

Sighing, he went to pull his hand away giving up on trying to catch its kicks when I grabbed his hand moving it lower to where I knew the baby shifted. His eyes snapping to mine while I held his hand there before our baby kicked, from the pressure of his hand.

Silas lips tugged in the corners as he tried to suppress his smile his eyes sparkling making me wonder what he was thinking, yet also to scared to prod into his mind, worried at what I may find, what malicious intent was behind his change in behaviour.

“I mean you know harm Elora; I just want you to let me love you” He says making me look up from his hands on my stomach. He was watching me waiting for me to answer when I see Matitus step into the bathroom, his shoulder and bare chest drenched in his blood.

“Everything alright?” He asks looking down at Silas hands making me realise how close I was to him, not realising I had stepped closer to him, or maybe he stepped closer I was unsure. Matitus steps in behind me forcing me closer to Silas his abs brushing my belly and I turn around to face Matitus though Silas hands remain just moving to my hips instead when I feel his lips go to my shoulder making me jump slightly.

Matitus watching me and Silas yet through the bond I could feel he was calm, he didn’t have the same tormented feelings I had for Silas, he accepted him for everything he was and right now Silas was calm, relaxed even, as he tugged me closer waiting to see what I would do and if I would pull away from him.

I was about to and Matitus seeing that stepped closer to me forcing me back as he leant down kissing me softly, my back pressing against Silas front and I was very aware of the reaction he was having to me being so close, could feel it pressed against back before I feel him shiver behind me.

Matitus pulls back a small smile on his lips and I realise he intended to force me closer to Silas, wanting me to allow him to touch me. Silas stayed still though, I could feel the longing through the bond when I feel Matitus hands move to underneath my belly, his hands gliding to my hips before he places them over Silas’s, moving Silas’s hands lower to underneath my stomach his hands brushing my pubic bone.

Arousal flooding me at having both their hands on me, watching as I see Matitus eyes flicker dangerously as he breathed in my scent perfuming the steamed-up bathroom before leaning over me. his lips going to my mark and I shudder as I feel the sparks of the mate bond erupt over my skin making me relax as he ran his tongue over my mark, nipping at it as I press myself closer to Silas, his hand moving lower before I feel his fingertips brush over my slit and I gasp, coming to my senses.

Matitus stops stepping away before looking down at me, his eyes then moving to Silas and I feel his hands move away going back to my hips. “He isn’t going to do anything” Matitus says but I move removing myself from the shower and grabbing a towel. Just because right now he has no ill will, doesn’t mean, that won’t change like a flick of switch.

One thing I have grown accustomed to is the way he can go from calm to a raging storm within seconds and I should have known better then to let my guard down, let him in. Matitus feelings for Silas clouding my own yet I can’t let feeling overrule rational thought, he will do what he said and now it was a matter of time, waiting for him to destroy the last piece of me.

Walking into the room, Dragus walks in covered in debris. I walk into the cupboard grabbing some of his clothes and slipping them on about to leave and find another room to stay in when Dragus hand grips my wrist softly.

“Where are you going?” He asks.

“To find another room” Dragus shakes his head.

“We will stay in our room with our mates Elora” Dragus says, and I rip my hand away from him. He wants me to stay in a room shared with the man who wants to take our baby from me. Silas and Matitus walk out watching as Dragus and I stand off, his words lingering in the air and I could feel his frustration. Turning on my heel, I head for the door.

“We are staying in here Elora, the other beds are to small, and I am sick of not getting any sleep” Matitus says making my hand stop as it held the cool metal of the doorknob. I nod opening it and walking out, heading down the stairs.

“Elora!” I hear Dragus call to me a growl escaping him, but I ignore him instead walking downstairs. They can sleep where they want, I didn’t care but I was not sleeping in a room with Silas, I won’t allow him to be that close while I try to sleep.

All the rooms were occupied. I sigh after opening the last one to discover Pluto and his brother sharing a room, closing the door mumbling my apology before turning on my heel and walking toward the front of the castle. I stop at the office eyeing the armchair in front of the fireplace before my eyes dart down to the thick rug in front of the fireplace. Lightening streaking the sky outside the window illuminating the night in brief glimpses, it was peaceful here. I could sleep here; it would be comfortable though, getting up in the middle of the night to pee would be a task in itself.

I walk over grabbing the cushion and throw blanket off the armchair before laying on the soft mat, the fire warming the room and was soothing as it crackled and popped burning through the logs of wood.


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