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Come Into My Arms novel Chapter 701

Amelia's heart skipped a beat. She recalled the incident of she following Patrick in the morning. It was obvious that his praising was just a sarcasm towards her behavior!

However, since he did not want to tell her that he knew she followed her, why did she have to admit to it?

Amelia smiled and replied with a calm expression, "Thank you for the compliment."

Patrick changed the topic and said with blaming in it, "But Mrs. Hopper, you seem to be quite idle today. It was totally unexpected. To be honest, your behavior of tracking me has somewhat disappointed me."

What's coming will come, it seemed like she just could not escape it...

Amelia closed her eyes and said, "There's so many destination the road headed to. How can you be so sure that I've followed you?"

Patrick pointed at his head. "I remember the location of Jessica's cafe very clearly because I've sent someone to check it for me. When you drove pass the intersection and you didn't turn right. However, you continue straight all the way. What else could it be if you wasn't follow me?"

Amelia frowned. Since when did Patrick started to know everything about her?

He even knew where her relatives and friends lived. He knew their profession and workplace as well.

She was like a fool when she compared with him. He could find out she followed him and she could not even hide herself!

Amelia looked at him and insisted, "That's because I wanted to buy some presents before meeting Jessica. That's why I'm going the same way as you. Can't I?"

"Still deny?" Patrick rubbed his chin and said, "Do you think I should bring Huxton here now and ask him what kind of people you have contacted today? Did they include florist, fruit hawker, or candies and pastries sellers? What do you think?"

As his voice fell, his fingertips moved slightly.

Amelia saw that he wanted to get the mobile phone on the tea table. Then she said in a hurry, "Okay. Okay, I'll tell you! Is it okay?"

Patrick paused and looked at her faintly. "Why did you follow me?"

Amelia struggled for a while and said, "Do you believe me if I tell you that I just want to compare whose driving skill is better?"

Patrick stretched his hand to the tea table with his emotionless face.

"Okay!" Amelia was like a deflated balloon, she hunched and said, "Yes! I was following you! But aren't you happy? That's because I concern about you."

Patrick looked at her and said, "I like it when you concern about me. However, don't you think it's too much when it's over the boundary?"

Amelia asked unconvincedly, "Last time, who was the one that borrowed a bug from Huxton to eavesdrop my conversation with Ryker? If my concern has caused trouble for you, wouldn't your constant monitoring of me could be considered a crime?"

Patrick felt his words stuck in his throat. He wanted to refute Amelia's words but he indeed stalked on her.

However, he was going to teach Amelia a lesson. How could she teach him a lesson in return?

"I monitored you because you showed signs of betraying me many times. I was just trying to prevent it from happening. As for me, I've always been a well-behaved person. Do you ever see any girls around me? That's all. Are you still worried about me?"

Patrick's double standard made Amelia feel very uncomfortable.

"You said that I had many signs of betraying you? Where are the evidences?"

Patrick sneered, "If I had evidence, would you still be able to sit in front of me safe and sound?"

Amelia said, "Well, since you don't have any evidence, I can say that it's all your bullsh*t. You just made up all these stories and hurt me out of no reason."


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