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Crises in Love novel Chapter 248

The corridor was fairly bustling with guests, chatting away in small groups.

This was a circular balcony on the top floor. I scanned the area, finding several multifunctional halls. Through the corridor, there were restrooms, lounge areas, changing rooms, an electrical room, and a storage closet.

I looked down the corridor, catching sight of a few guests sneaking off to the restroom. But there was no sign of Jerome or Clara, and certainly no sign of Hannah, who had followed them earlier.

Mildly puzzled, I headed towards the restrooms.

It had been a while since I had worn heels. Walking was genuinely tiring, especially on the soft carpet. It was like walking through sand.

The further I moved down the corridor, the fewer people there were. The noise from the main hall faded to a faint murmur. It was eerily quiet.

The restroom area was open plan, with a large mirror dividing it into two. On the left was the men's room, and on the right was the ladies'.

I stopped by the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was untouched, effectively hiding any signs of fatigue. It was an understatement to say I was glowing.

I was particularly pleased with the dress I had chosen for the night. It was understated yet luxurious, the perfect complement to my radiant complexion.

But my focus wasn't on my appearance. I rinsed my hands under the tap, straining to hear any sounds from the restrooms.

A man entered the restroom area. He saw me and greeted enthusiastically, "Mrs. Dawson!"

I nodded in response and he entered the men's room. I was pretty sure that all of the guests knew who I was, so his greeting wasn't surprising.

I entered the empty ladies' room. After waiting a few minutes to make sure the man had left, I stepped back out into the corridor.

I was puzzled and wondered if they had left the area.

I stepped out of the restroom and looked down the corridor again. It took a sharp turn, leading to the lounges. I wasn't ready to give up just yet, so I moved further down the corridor. I thought I heard voices. I looked back; the restroom was out of sight.

I hesitated, contemplating whether to continue. I could hear faint voices, but they disappeared and reappeared unpredictably.

I leaned against the wall to ease my fatigue and anxiety. I held my breath and listened, but all I could hear was my own heartbeat.


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