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Crises in Love novel Chapter 311

The message came from Logan.

At first, I thought that Jaylan had tipped off Jerome, and I was kicking myself.

But Hannah had managed to track his afternoon movements, and he hadn't met with Jerome. Instead, he'd met with a client, drinking until three in the afternoon at a local pub. There was nothing suspicious about the meeting at all.

I was confused. Who had made that dropped call to him?

And why on earth had Jerome disappeared at such a crucial moment?

Without thinking, I texted Logan, sending just a question mark.

Not long after, Logan responded with a video link. I clicked on it right away.

A cordon had been put up at the location of the storm drain in the village where Evan's accident was shown in the video. Police were searching the storm drain in hopes of finding Evan's body.

To be honest, seeing this image churned my stomach. I wasn't sure if they would find anything.

Outside the cordoned-off area, many of the residents were watching the spectacle.

As I scrutinized the video, I spotted Jerome. He was at a small grocery store not far from the cordon.

After leaving the store, Jerome glanced at the police activity before casually walking across the street, climbing into his car, and driving away.

I could hardly believe what I was seeing. How dare he blatantly check out the scene of the crime?

But as he stepped out of the grocery store, I paused the video and zoomed in. Sure enough, Jerome was wearing black canvas shoes, the same ones he'd worn at the scene.

"I knew it. It's him, no doubt." I muttered to myself.

I dialed Logan's number immediately and asked, "How are you sure Jerome's missing? When was this video taken? But he certainly has guts, daring to inspect the crime scene."


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