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Crises in Love novel Chapter 381

"Come on, guys, it's not fair to say that," boomed a voice with a clear allegiance to my dad, a loyalist through and through. "Let's not forget Galen's role in saving VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals. This place was a hair's breadth from bankruptcy. Without his efforts to bring in a hefty investment and convincing Bennett to buy in with his tech, where would our shiny nickels have gotten us, huh?"

My dad just chuckled at these words, the picture of composure.

The voice continued, "We all started as scrappy underdogs, remember? If it wasn't for Galen, the windfall we made back in the day would've been squandered in a heartbeat. Don't tell me it's not true. Think about it, which one of us had the know-how to run a big operation? I say, contentment is key. Now we just lay back and rake in the dividends, which have multiplied who knows how many times over since our initial stake. And that without lifting a finger. Be grateful!"

That voice was unmistakably Emmett's.

"Ha... Emmett, you and your contentment," someone jeered. "Let's see you stick to that at year's end. Take a stand, man! Show some backbone!"

The room erupted with laughter.

Annoyed, Emmett snapped back, "Is that any way to talk?"

"Why not? Isn't investment all about making money? So, we take our share, and we're supposed to kiss the ground he walks on? Why don't you just take him home and care for him, since his daughter's moved far away? You'd have the perfect chance to play the devoted son he never had!" The voice cackled wickedly.

I was fuming, but a glance at my dad showed me he was neither angry nor upset, just listening with keen interest. Bennett gave me a 'shush' gesture and pointed to his ear, whispering, "Listen a bit more."

A loud 'snap' came from inside - Someone had lost their cool.

"Cut the crap!" Emmett bellowed. "Claud, you're nothing but a disgrace, a real pot-stirrer! Aside from the initial few bucks you threw in, what have you done for VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals? You bellyache over every penny!"

"I might not have done much, but without my cash back then, even Galen couldn't have pulled it off! Oh, you think you're above it now? Ha... too late! I invested a lot, and I expect my full share!" Claud retorted. Clearly, he was a shameless character.


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