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Crises in Love novel Chapter 383

Forced into a corner, Kemp finally mustered the nerve to speak up. "Look, I've got a beef with Galen. The guy's been pulling strings for his own gain, sitting on his hands, and keeping the shareholders in the dark while he lines his pockets. How else could he afford to snap up a whole block of Oldtown Avenue in Silverdale City?"

He was all-in, throwing down a convincing questioning.

Everyone around the table was holding their breath, stealing glances at my dad.

Kemp's words continued to hit home. "Now he's stonewalling the launch of VitaGlow Capsules, leading Mr. Richardson astray. As a manager at VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals, he's just feathering his own nest..."

Kemp's tirade grew impassioned as he listed my dad's alleged misdeeds, each point a spear aimed at the reality of the Oldtown Avenue deal.

Emmett couldn't take it anymore and cut him off. "Kemp, you're making mountains out of molehills. What's Oldtown Avenue got to do with VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals?"

"What's it got to do? Who bought Oldtown Avenue if not Galen?" Kemp shot back.

"You're just green with envy and can't stand to see someone else doing well!" Emmett retorted without a care for appearances.

Kemp slammed his hand on the table, pointing right at my dad, "Ask him if it's related. Where did the money for Oldtown Avenue come from?"

All eyes turned to my dad again. The looks were varied—some eager for a spectacle, others red-eyed with jealousy, hoping to use this opportunity to cut my dad down. Some were genuinely curious about where the money came from, and of course, there were those who were genuinely worried for my dad.

Claud spoke up with a mocking tone, "Mr. Wilburn, as a fellow shareholder, your financial extravagance is quite something! Come on, tell us, is there a connection?"

The room held its breath, waiting for my dad's response. Kemp was smug, as though he had already thrown my dad to the wolves and was simply waiting to reap his victory feast.

My dad shifted in his seat, lowered his eyes in contemplation, and the room fell into an oppressive silence.


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