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Crises in Love novel Chapter 387

The tension in the conference room was palpable as normalcy returned, leaving a silence that was almost deafening. The mood, however, remained grim.

Several shareholders, who once had close ties with Kemp, shivered involuntarily, shrinking back in their seats as if they were desperate for the long-awaited shareholders' meeting to conclude.

Bennett cleared his throat and spoke with an apologetic tone, "Sorry to keep you all waiting! I promised we'd wrap this up in an hour, and time is up..."

Those who felt as if a great weight had been lifted straightened their spines, allowing themselves a sigh of relief and daring to look up at last.

But the moment they raised their heads, they were met with Bennett's piercing gaze that seemed omnipresent, turning their faces ashen with fear.

Bennett scanned the room decisively and continued, "However, an hour is only enough to expose Kemp's true color. Now, it's time to address the recent turmoil within VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals."

His words hit the room with such force that some people became breathless with palpable alarm. I couldn't help but sneer with disdain. It was clear they knew exactly what they had done.

And my respect for my father grew; he truly was an old fox. He had used Kemp as a bait to lure those betrayers within VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals. Then, under the guise of introducing a new product, he was cleansing the ranks. Brilliant! Bennett’s next words confirmed my thoughts.

"It saddens me to say that among us sit the remnants of Kemp and Claud's lackeys, still skulking about. As the saying goes, 'What goes around comes around,' and today, it's time for a housecleaning at VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals."

After his declaration, Bennett raised his hand like a conductor's baton, and his secretary promptly distributed a stack of documents.

I watched as some resisted taking the papers, while others, curious and eager, grabbed them without hesitation.


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