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Crises in Love novel Chapter 407

In the car, Logan handed me his phone. "You've got her number. Give her a ring with my mobile. If it's switched on, we can track her!"

I grabbed Logan's phone in a hurry and dialed Clara’s number. But the moment it rang, the call was abruptly disconnected from the other end.

Logan was eyeing me the whole time. Seeing me put down the phone, he raised his eyebrows in a silent question. I shrugged and said, "No answer, but it's on!"

Logan immediately ordered someone to trace Clara's phone, but the word came back fast—the phone was now off.

That couldn't be right; it was just on.

Stubbornly, I tried calling from my own cell, and this time it was definitely turned off.

I felt a surge of frustration, almost ready to throw a fit, and I cursed, "What the hell is she playing at?"

Meanwhile, a pit formed in my stomach, a sense of dread creeping in. I looked helplessly at Logan.

His voice was sharp as he spoke, "Her phone being off could mean two things. One, she's not in a position to talk. Two, she's scared of being found out, afraid to answer. I'm betting it's more likely the second."

"Why do you say that?" I asked, puzzled.

"Because she didn't even pick up a call from an unknown number—mine," Logan said with confidence.

Though Logan's reasoning was solid, my worries ran deeper, uncertain of Clara's motives.

Consider this - If Clara really knew where Jerome was hiding but just sat there, watching us duke it out like a predator in the shadows, isn't that terrifying?

She knew the truth about me and Jaylan long ago, and now, at this critical juncture for me, she's lurking, her intentions unclear. How could I not feel panic?

If Clara spilled my plans to Jerome, my plan might not have gone as smoothly as I hoped. But judging by Jaylan’s helplessness over the plummeting stock prices of Medsafe Liyah Inc., he was clueless about my ploy. This suggested that Clara hadn’t interfered with my plan.

Hannah seemed to notice my anxiety and gave me a reassuring pat, saying, "Stop worrying about it. Let's find Catherine first. The sooner we get her out, the better our odds!"


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