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Crises in Love novel Chapter 429

I pushed myself up from the couch, stretching out the kinks in my back, and turned to Hannah with a yawn. "I'm gonna take a quick bath to freshen up. You should get some rest, too. We've got that appointment with Mr. Elbert later."

"Sure thing!" Hannah chirped back, her voice bubbling with energy.

The moment I sank into the warmth of the bath, my muscles finally relaxed. I was bone-tired, my eyelids heavy. If it weren't for the meeting with Elbert, I would've seriously considered curling up for a nap. But Jaylan's words kept replaying in my mind - "Unless you die!" That's what he had the gall to say. The man I'd given a decade of my life to.

First heir? What a joke! He probably didn't even know that I'd already put Gemma, that old coot, behind bars. And as for my parents, they were in safe hands with Ronan looking after them.

And even though it was no secret that I was the silent powerhouse behind VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals, my dad's genius was in the fine print. He had all the authority over the shares, handling everything until I officially took over. That meant all transactions went through him until I signed on the dotted line and made it officially mine. Those properties were my premarital property, so Jaylan had no claim over them.

First heir, my foot!

With my dad, that crafty old fox, he wouldn't get a dime from the Wilburn estate.

Even if I’m dead, he wouldn't see a cent. I'd moved all the assets that came my way, just like he did - legally and out of reach. His dreams of being the first in line were nothing but pipe dreams.

As I meticulously went over every detail in my mind, ensuring there were no loose ends, there was a knock on the bathroom door. It was Hannah, reminding me the time and our need to head out. The place we were heading to was off the beaten path and warranted an early start.

I sprung from the tub, rinsed off, and felt recharged, like a battery at full capacity.

I slipped into a loose-fitting sunny yellow silk dress, cinching it at the waist with a slim belt, looking both smart and fetching. Just my short hair needed a trim.

Stepping out with my room, I found Hannah leaning against her door, scrolling through her phone. She glanced up and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "You look stunning!"

I flashed a confident smile. "Thanks!"

Hannah's little grin twinkled with mischief. "I’m proud to be the chauffeur!"


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