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Crises in Love novel Chapter 439

All eyes turned to Geneva, her revelation dangling tantalizingly in the air. Catherine blurted out, "For heaven's sake, Geneva, spill the beans already!"

Geneva simply laughed before carrying on, "I mean, Sophie just laid it out for her, plain and simple. This was a small-scale operation, just borrowing a lump sum from the upper crust to tide things over. Opportunities like this don't grow on trees, you know.”

"Damn, that's some pretty convincing talk!" Catherine snorted with disbelief.

"There’s more," Geneva said. "Sophie tells Jessica, if word gets out and people find out, they won’t be able to keep doing it. For a businessperson, nothing's more taboo than a broken cash flow. Quick turnover—that's the name of the game. Before outsiders catch a whiff, you've bounced back without anyone seeing you ever short for cash."

Janice was impressed. "I've got to hand it to Sophie; she's got the gift of the gab." She turned to Geneva, "You sure you didn't coach her?"

"Not at all," Geneva assured her. "Sophie's flying solo on this one! She can handle Jessica no problem."

"And she does," I chuckled, "Sophie totally nailed Jessica's Achilles' heel!"

Geneva nodded, "Sophie's casual as can be, telling Jessica she couldn't care less who's short on cash. 'As long as they pay me a sweet enough interest and settle up on time, I'm golden. Why should I be content with pocket change when I could be making more money?

She was convincing, and Jessica bought it. Sophie kept it real with her, like, 'Listen up, don't say I didn't warn you. Don't get greedy. There's risk in every investment. And who we're dealing with here? That's anybody's guess! If things go south, don't come crying to me.'

And she adds, 'Keep this to yourself. This is my exclusive scoop. Start yapping about it and we'll both be in hot water. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Take your tidy profit and zip it. Making waves benefits no one. I’m helping you out, so let’s make money together.’ “


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