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Crises in Love novel Chapter 448

Hannah prodded with a hint of confusion in her voice, “If this is the password, then what’s the key for? It can’t actually be part of the set, right?”

I picked up the key again, and it suddenly dawned on me—it was just like the key Janetta had been meaning to give to Janice. Without hesitation, I dialed Janice’s number, and she picked up immediately.

“Allie, you’re not coming back?” Janice’s voice came through, tinged with concern.

“Nope! I’m out of the hospital and I’ve got things to handle!” I quickly clarified, then dove right into my question. “Janice, remember when your sister woke up, she mentioned a key she wanted to give you? Did you ever find out what it was for?”

Janice answered, “It’s for a safety deposit box at the bank!”

I looked down at the key in my hand, my heart skipping in realization.

“What’s got you asking about this, Allie? Any news from Logan?” Janice’s query snapped me back to the conversation.

“No! That’s not it,” I denied hastily, unsure of how to proceed.

“By the way, I haven’t checked in with Logan yet. How’s the investigation going? I’ve felt awkward asking. Could you do it for me?” Janice asked, seizing the opportunity.

“Sure, no problem! You’re not at the hospital?” I inquired casually.

“I just left!” Janice replied, “I need to rush home to feed my kid! Geneva’s still there, waiting for Logan to return.”

“Oh,” I murmured absentmindedly, then asked, “So…Janice, what’s needed to access the safety deposit box at the bank?”

“ID, the password, and the key!” she answered quickly.

I glanced down at the items in my hand and then shared a triumphant look with Hannah.

Holy smokes! Everything’s here!

Hannah looked back at me with disbelief, her voice filled with excitement, “Allie, Hazel must’ve lost her marbles, I swear... she…”

I cut the conversation short with Janice, “You better head back then. I’ve got to go!”

After hanging up, I pondered for a moment, examining the items once more.

Hannah still seemed incredulous, “Allie…?”

I instructed her firmly, “Let’s go to Epoch Plaza!”


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