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Crises in Love novel Chapter 482

Ronan gave me a 'hold on' glance before he spoke into the phone, "Keep tabs on Jerome and find out where Clara's headed!"

After he hung up, I rushed to say, "Clara definitely won't lose track of Zora, I'm certain of it!"

Hannah, having forgotten her earlier embarrassment, hurried down the stairs. "Clara must have caught wind of Zora's movements! Or maybe Jerome threatened her somehow; otherwise, she wouldn't have just vanished. But I'm betting it's the former."

"I'll give her a call," I said, reaching for my cellphone to dial Clara. But Ronan grabbed my hand, saying, "Not now. We can't tip her off before we've figured out her game."

"Boss, with Brenda here, maybe I should go after Clara?" Hannah volunteered.

Ronan and I looked at her as she scratched her head, "I can move more discreetly on my own. I'll definitely find them."

"We need a rough idea of their direction first!" I said calmly. Without a lead, where would we even start looking?

"If we nail down their direction first, then you can go. Let's not rush this," Ronan agreed.

I was torn; I wanted Hannah to go, but I feared it would be a wild goose chase.

Ronan took another call and left swiftly.

Logan had only managed an hour of sleep before a call woke him. Rubbing his eyes, he stumbled out, still on the phone. "Keep digging. I need to know what car they took, their destination... I know it's tough, but make it happen... They might've used fake IDs, but they have distinct looks, and you've got the kid's picture, Zora's and Maddox's too... Hurry up!"

He hung up and beckoned me over, "Take a look at this."

Confused, I walked over, and Hannah joined me. Logan's phone was playing a short video clip.

What I saw took my breath away. I snatched the phone from him, my eyes glued to the screen.

There was Zora, holding my son Carl in her arms. Carl seemed perfectly content, nibbling on something while chuckling at Zora.


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