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Crises in Love novel Chapter 496

Everyone at the scene gasped, helplessly watching as Zora falling.

Instinctively, I let out a cry, "Carl..."

In that critical moment, Zora fiercely flung little Carl from her embrace. Carl’s cries were heart-wrenching as his tiny body was tossed into the air, rapidly descending.

I exclaimed in horror, "Carl!"

Simultaneously, a figure leaped forward, arms outstretched towards Carl, and I lunged too...

Those arms caught Carl and rolled on the ground to cushion the fall, while I stumbled on a rock and plunged forward.

As I fell, Hannah grabbed my hand tightly, and we were both hanging on the edge of the cliff.

Several people rushed over and heaved us up. Instinctively, I looked back; the cliff was bottomless, and Zora had vanished without a trace.

While I was still in shock, I heard Larkin, who was holding Carl, yell, "Miss, Carl's been hurt!"

I was stunned, rushing to Larkin's side. Carl was still crying, his little face beet-red and his eyes despairingly looking at me, while his arm bled profusely.

The bullet had gone through Carl's arm before striking Zora's shoulder!

It was clear that the shooter hadn't cared about Carl's life; they didn’t intend to leave him alive.

Fortunately, the bullet had missed his body and not hit any vital organs, but it had left a dark, gaping wound in his tiny arm.

Frozen in horror, I stared at the wound, overcome with pain, when someone shouted, "Quick, stop the bleeding and get him to the hospital!"

That snapped me out of it, and with a heart full of anguish, I touched his head and cried, "Carl! Don't cry, Mommy's here..."

Hannah swiftly tore off a strip from her white tee and tightly bound Carl's arm with it.

Larkin announced, "I'll take him to the hospital, Hannah, come with me! Everyone else, search the area, find the shooter!"

“Make way!” Everyone was calling out.

Only then did I notice the abrasions on Larkin's arms!

He sprinted down the hill with Carl in his arms like a wild stag, while I sat on the ground, watching him disappear from my sight, murmuring, "Carl..."


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