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Crises in Love novel Chapter 521

Without a doubt, after waiting for more than ten minutes, we saw Monique and Probert sprint back to the house as suspected.

They didn’t plan to waltz straight into the living room. Instead, they made a beeline for the back of the house through the hallway.

I paused under my breath, "Stop right there, come on in!"

Monique hesitated, then lifted her foot as if to run again. This time I raised my voice, "Monique Dawson, I said come here!"

At the sound of her name, she faltered, looking sheepish, and reluctantly shuffled in. Covering from head to toe in dirt, she looked like a ragamuffin.

My eyes widened in shock, and I called out again, "Probert Dawson!"

Probert tried to hide behind Monique, attempting to shrink his presence as much as possible.

At the sight of them in the mud, I asked with clear annoyance, "Where have you been?"

After scanning the living room, Monique noted everyone was present, especially her grandmother. So she suddenly seemed emboldened, "We were just... looking at some books?"

I struggled to keep my anger in check. "And what sort of books leave you both covered in dirt?"

She batted her eyelashes innocently without a hint of hesitation, "Those old books we found out with Hannah the other day are all classics. Grandpa said he wanted to read them too, so Probert and I were just collecting them! We couldn't let Grandpa read dirty books, could we?"

Monique's explanation was confident and seemingly made sense, as if they had indeed been engaged in some noble task, even in the name of her grandpa.

Temporarily at a loss for words, I still felt something was off.

Hannah piped up, "Were you at the Wood Manor the whole time?"

"Yep! We never left the Wood Manor!" Monique replied with conviction.

I exchanged a glance with Hannah, who seemed equally perplexed.

"Probert!" I called his name, fixing him with a scrutinizing gaze.

He mumbled something inarticulate before Monique yanked him out from behind her, "What's wrong with you? Mom's asking you a question. Tell her, were we at the Wood Manor or not?"

Pushing him slightly from behind, which caused him to stumble forward, Probert said, "Yeah! We were at the Wood Manor!"


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