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Crises in Love novel Chapter 523

Helga's yell drew the attention of everyone in the room.

We all turned to look, only to find her staring, slack-jawed, at the entrance. Our gazes followed suit.

There was Hannah, back from her brief exit, with Monique and Probert in tow, including Fidelia.

We were all baffled when suddenly Camilla let out an unsteady roar, "Fidelia!"

Fidelia visibly flinched, stepping back.

Her normally pristine face was smudged as if she'd been in a tussle with a chimney sweep, utterly disheveled. Her eyes were wide with panic as they met Camilla's furious glare.

I shot Camilla a look, urging her to take a seat. Camilla swallowed her next words and begrudgingly sat down.

I got up and went over, taking Fidelia by the arm, and said in a gentle voice, "It's okay, you're back now. Next time, you should talk to your mom before you take off, okay? Running off alone in the middle of the night is dangerous! Do you have any idea how worried we were?"

At my words, Fidelia threw her arms around me, bursting into tears, "Auntie Alliyah, I don't wanna go back! I wanna stay here and go to school with Monique!"

My mom hurried over, "Brenda, fetch a towel, quick!"

Carl, pale with fright, clung to Helga, sneaking peeks at us while nervously chewing on his fingers.

I patted Fidelia, whispering consolations. Camilla at the scene couldn't help but start to cry herself.

I led Fidelia to Camilla, coaxing softly, "Go apologize to your mom. She's come a long way to find you, tired and worried sick all night!"

Hearing this, Fidelia timidly approached Camilla, "I'm sorry, Mom! I'm wrong!"

The room breathed a collective sigh of relief. I quickly turned to Hannah, "Notify the police right away! The child has been found, safe and sound!"

Hannah grinned, "Already done, and I've called off the search! I'll need to go down to the station later to give them the full story."

I nodded, telling her to make sure she did.


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