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Crises in Love novel Chapter 529

"Seriously, I tried to get Monique to dig into the issue, but even she couldn’t pry any information. That’s why I didn’t keep her around. I was afraid there were skeletons in the closet. I'm betting Fidelia knows something. But I didn’t ask Camilla, because it seems to be her off-limits, you know?" I said to my dad, weighing each word with caution.

My dad nodded in hearty agreement, "You did the right thing. Camilla isn’t as straightforward as she seems!"

"Dad, you feel it too? I've caught her lying a few times. That’s why I started to get a vibe about her! How did you figure it out?" I asked with curiosity.

The old man had a knack for reading people, that was for sure.

He said coolly, "It’s in her eyes! There’s another pair of eyes lurking behind hers!"

"Oh..." I mulled over my dad’s words, sinking into deep thought.

I had total faith in what my dad said and I definitely shared that feeling. Whenever I was around Camilla, I often found myself instinctively wanting to clarify what I meant, as if she wouldn’t get it otherwise!

Every time, it felt like she was looking at me with a different kind of gaze. And I couldn’t quite put my finger on what that feeling was.

But dad had hit the nail on the head.

I thought it had something to do with her life with Jerome.

On the kids’ first day of school, I personally dropped the sisters off. They were over the moon to be at the same school.

We’d checked out the school beforehand. It was a reputable public elementary with strong faculty and solid facilities.

Right across from the elementary was the middle school they’d eventually move up to, one of the top in the state.

They came home from their first day all excited, practically skipping with joy, and they walked home by themselves.

That gave them a real sense of accomplishment. Back in Goldenvale Town, that would’ve been a no-go.

I was confident because along Oldtown Avenue, there were other kids from the neighborhood who attended the same school. The Damon family next door, notably, had three of their children enrolled there.

They walked together and looked out for each other. It was safer that way!

Though I didn't pick them up, I knew Hannah had covertly scoped out their dismissal routine.

Hannah was always on top of things.

At dinner, they were buzzing with excitement, chattering about the day’s fun. My favorite part was hearing about their self-introductions in class.


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