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Crises in Love novel Chapter 533

"Are you not afraid that Irving will find out about our rendezvous today?" I asked.

Upon hearing it, her face instantly went ashen.

At that moment, I was certain she didn't want Irving to know she had met with me in secret.

"Of course, I won't stir the pot, but that doesn't mean there won't be ripples," I said, pulling the conversation back and dropping a hint.

She looked at me for a long moment, then a helpless smile crept across her face. She averted her gaze and echoed the last words I had uttered, "No ripples."

Suddenly, she turned to me with a serious expression. "Ms. Wilburn, do you think everything can not leave no ripples?"

Her seriousness took me aback, with her tone almost seeking guidance. For a moment, I didn't know how to respond.

We sat in silence until Nettie regained her composure and spoke indifferently, "Ms. Wilburn, Elixir Pharma Limited is not as straightforward as you might think, and they're not about to give up on this opportunity. Irving is set on winning this project."

I remained silent, listening patiently as she continued.

"Ms. Wilburn, if you just pay attention to the money, well... Irving has deep pockets that might exceed your expectations. But with great funds come great ambitions," she said, her eyes intense, as if to warn me of Irving's ambition.

"Your dad has always been ambitious. How else could he have gone from nothing to the helm of Irving?" I hinted back, suggesting her father's rise wasn't entirely noble.

She didn't seem annoyed by my comment, instead offering a mysterious smile.

"Ms. Wilburn, you might want to stop prying into others' business and focus on wrapping up your own. The project at VitalAxis Pharmaceuticals is a juicy morsel that's attracting hungry wolves."

Her words carried a sense of schadenfreude.

She wasn't wrong, though. I might have underestimated her. What exactly was she trying to tell me?

I asked bluntly, "Are you hinting that Irving is one of those hungry wolves?"

"You can take it however you like," Nettie replied noncommittally, sipping her coffee.


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