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Crises in Love novel Chapter 535

It had been years since I last laid eyes on Mason. He had been stronger in his body, but his familiar round face was as unmistakable as ever.

What truly stunned me, though, was seeing him with Jesper. How on earth did those two become an item?

And wasn't Mason supposed to be behind bars after that fiasco? Yet there he was, bold as brass, strolling around in the open.

By the time I snapped out of my shock, they were already a good distance away. I glanced toward the pub's entrance, but there was still no sign of Hannah.

I was getting antsy and took another look, watching as the two men were about to disappear from my view. Without hesitation, I unbuckled my seatbelt, slid into the driver's seat, and fired up the engine to tail them.

I drove slowly, maintaining a discreet distance. At the crossroads, Mason and Jesper exchanged a few words before heading off in separate directions, leaving me at a loss for whom to follow.

Indecision gripped me for a moment, but then I saw Jesper cross the street and enter a chain hotel. I noted the location, then veered after Mason.

However, by the time my car turned the corner, Mason had vanished from sight.

I drove a bit further, reasoning that he couldn't have gone too far. Looking to the left, I spotted an alleyway about a hundred meters down from the intersection. I deduced that Mason must have ducked in there.

Determined, I parked my car along the curb and zipped across the street to the opposite side, stepping into the alley without a second thought.

The alley wasn't long. As I advanced, I discovered it led to the backstreet of a farmer's market, reeking of fish and rotting vegetables. What a nauseating combination!

The ground was sticky and filthy, flanked by unassuming food stalls that added to the chaos. In the market's main hall, people bustled about, moving goods to and fro.

There was no sign of Mason.

In a panic, I pushed forward a few steps into the market, scanning the crowd for his distinctive figure to no avail.

Just as I was about to turn back, a man carting a crate of ice bumped into me. My heel twisted, and I stumbled toward a fishmonger's stall.


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