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Crises in Love novel Chapter 544

I practically sprinted to the front of the line, with Hannah hot on my heels.

The building was an old walk-up, and according to the faded numbers on the door, we were looking for Apartment 302 in Block B.

We found the door and I knocked impatiently. But after several knocks, there was no response, and I could feel my heart sinking.

Maybe they're heavy sleepers and didn't hear? I knocked harder, but still, nothing.

Just then, the door across the hall clicked and creaked open a fraction. We all turned to look.

A head poked out, glanced at the few of us in the hallway, and then quickly retreated, about to shut the door.

Ronan was quick on his feet, "Excuse me, madam," he called out, his voice smooth and polite.

Perhaps it was his courteous tone that made the woman hesitate. She opened the door a bit wider, revealing half her cautious figure.

I totally got it. After all, it was well past midnight, and knocking on doors at this hour was rude.

Plus, a group of people at your door could put anyone on edge.

That was when I got a good look at her; a woman in her forties, clad in comfy pajamas.

She was eyeing us warily, asking, "Who are you looking for? No one's lived across the way for a while."

My heart just about broke. Stepping forward, I stood in her doorway as she tried to close it, and I quickly stuck my hand in the gap.

"Please, just a moment," I pleaded, "I just wanted to ask about the people who lived across. Do you know where they might have gone? Did they have a child, a beautiful child?"

I was talking a mile a minute, barely coherent.

The woman shook her head and said, "I don't really know them. They were gone by the time I moved in."

"How can you not know them? Aren't you neighbors?" I persisted, gripping her doorframe tightly, not willing to let her close the door.

"And when did you move in?" I pressed.

Ronan, seeing my state, stepped up behind me and gently asked, "Madam, do you rent or own your place?"


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