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Crises in Love novel Chapter 592

I glanced over the spread of snacks laid out in front of me and couldn't help but smile. My favorites, pretzels, potato chips, and a variety of dips, were all there, a sure sign that Ronan had a hand in this.

Back in our school days, the three of us would munch on these same treats.

Hannah, ever so observant, didn't miss a beat. She told me she'd be in the kitchen if I needed her and then she was off, leaving me alone with Geneva for some catch-up time.

Turning back to our conversation, I nudged Geneva, "You could consider moving to a new place."

She sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice, "Why bother? It's good enough for now. You wouldn't believe how many times I've butted heads with Noah about this."

"He's not on board?"

"Don't get me started. I've been wanting to move for ages. We’ve been in that house for more than a decade, surrounded by those government folks. It's suffocating. Maybe it's just my nature to crave something new."

She laughed at herself then continued, "I told him we don't need a mansion, just something a bit bigger, in a nicer location. But Noah won't budge. He says we're settled here, with neighbors who respect his government position. Why rock the boat and invite criticism?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I get it. Those types are always watching, aren't they?"

"Exactly," Geneva said, the weight of the world seeming to press on her shoulders, "If we moved, who knows what they'd start saying behind our backs?"

I couldn't help but challenge her, "Isn't it a shame? He devotes his life to public service and yet he can't even try to better his living situation without people making a fuss about it."

"Noah's just overly cautious, always playing it safe so he doesn't step on the wrong toes," she scoffed, "Janice had it right. To our faces, they call me Mrs. Atwood with a smile. But that's not respect for me, and it's for the bit of power Noah holds. People are so self-serving these days."

I nodded in agreement. She hit the nail on the head.

"But in private? They whisper and judge. Makes me think twice about treating myself to a nice dress," Geneva said, her laugh tinged with irony.


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