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Daddy, Chasing Mommy Back is On Us! novel Chapter 387

It’s going to be rowdy from now on.

Juniper’s doctor summoned Selena three days after that. “Your daughter may be discharged now, Miss Yard.”

Selena was glad to hear that. “Can she? Is she fit enough now?”

“Yes. All her stats are normal, and she’s in a stable state, so she’s fine for now. But you should know relapses can easily happen. Only a bone marrow transplant or cord blood treatment can fully heal her.”

Selena nodded. “I know that.”

“I think Juniper’s in a great state. You can try for a baby if you want and use its cord blood to treat Juniper, Miss Yard.”

Selena hung her head low. She wanted for Juniper to get a bone marrow transplant, but her father was Pierre. He was a soldier, and a bone marrow transplant would affect his body adversely. If he went through with it, that’d spell the end for his military life. Juniper’s brothers’ bone marrow would work, but they were just kids, and she didn’t want them to suffer at that age.

The best way was to try for another child and use its cord blood to help Juniper, but Juniper said that she wanted babies to be born out of love rather than necessity.

“What is it, Miss Yard? Is something the matter?”

Selena shook her head. “We’re still thinking about it. Thank you anyway, doctor.”

“Of course. You may go through the discharge paperwork now.”


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