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Daddy, Chasing Mommy Back is On Us! novel Chapter 402

“Me?” Pierre looked at his three children dumbfoundedly. He didn’t do anything!

“Are you crazy, Pierre? You’re the one who got me to go on a date, but you’re also the one who got the children to mess my date up. Great! You’ve done a great job! You’re probably enjoying yourself while you make a fool out of me, huh?!” Selena cried as she picked her handbag up. “Well, let me tell you this—there’s no hope for the two of us!” She stormed off angrily after finishing her sentence.

When Pierre turned to look at the three children, Juniper simply shrugged and stuck her tongue out before she ran after Selena. “I made a mistake, Mommy! Daddy was the one who got us to come and say those words. I’m sorry, Mommy!”

Pierre stared at her speechlessly. How could she frame me just like that?!

Meanwhile, a woman curled herself up in a dark basement in Springvale. The metallic scent of blood shot up her nose each time she breathed. She lifted her head to look around—she had spent the past week in the same place, and she had lost all track of the time and day in the windowless room. Streaks of blood oozed out of the wounds that had been made with a whip on her face.

Jude had intended to bring Jameson away, but she hadn’t expected Satan to return and catch her red-handed. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to escape from that moment onward. Perhaps she had known how things would turn out from the moment she decided to save Jameson—it was the second time she was betraying Satan, after all. Satan had allowed her to send Jameson back with the condition that she had to return to him herself.

She had a chance to escape then. She could have told Selena and Pierre about her situation, and Pierre would have sent her somewhere safe. She could have gone to a place and hid from Satan, but she insisted on returning to him in the end.

But how could a man like Satan allow the same woman to betray him twice? He got his men to torture her brutally—he longed to slice her into a thousand pieces and crush her bones into dust. How could she lie to me? I can’t forgive this! No way! The pain Jude felt gradually subsided as she grew numb to all the beatings she received. At that moment, she just wanted Satan’s men to kill her—she no longer had much of a reason to be alive, after all.

Right then, someone opened the door to the basement and walked in to drag Jude out into another room. She squinted her eyes as the glaring light surrounded her, and she had to keep her eyes narrowed to clearly see the person who was sitting on the couch.

He looked like a king as he sat on the large throne. There wasn’t a hint of expression on his face—just like the way he looked when she first saw him years ago. “Did it hurt, Jude?” A faint, mocking smile surfaced on Satan’s lips. He hadn’t expected her to return after she had run off to Pierre. She could have left for good—he was shocked that she actually came back after a week. Every time Satan recalled the few days that Jude had spent with him, he felt the urge to strangle her to her death. She put on such a convincing act back then.

“It hurts.” Her voice was hoarse as she mumbled a reply.

“Did it? So you’re still capable of feeling pain…” Satan was satisfied with her response. She’ll remember her mistakes after she suffers the painful consequences.

“Of course.” Jude looked directly into Satan’s eyes as she spread her mouth into a grin, revealing her bloody teeth. Satan squinted his eyes when he saw how bad she looked. “You knew how I was going to torture you. Why did you come back?!” he asked as he pulled her toward him. She knew how bad-tempered, cruel, and heartless I can be, yet she still came back! Why? Why would she come back? Did she place her bet on the fact that she holds a place in my heart?

Satan was enraged at that thought. “Answer me!” he cried. All his men trembled with fear when they saw him raging at Jude. They had all seen Satan getting angry, but Satan would usually just give them the orders to ‘get rid of that person’ when he was mad at someone. They had never witnessed him losing his temper in such a manner. “I want all of you to get out!” He roared at the top of his lungs. All of his men instantly scurried out of the room—no one dared to disobey Satan during such a situation.


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