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Daddy, Chasing Mommy Back is On Us! novel Chapter 404

Satan stood outside the emergency room, where he waited and waited… During that extended period of time, memories shared between Jude and him began to resurface in his mind. He recalled the first time he had met her, the first time he taught her to use a gun, the first time he taught her how to engage in close combat and other sorts of techniques… His favorite memory was, of course, the recent days that they had spent together. Those were probably the happiest days of his life. She had nagged and clung onto him like a little child; she flirted with him and told him that she loved him… If only all of that were true, he thought. I had even pictured settling down with Jude. I thought of how I could build a mansion for us—it would be a home for the both of us, and we could have children and start a family there. I can’t believe she betrayed me just when I was picturing all these lovely ideas in my mind.

The clock continued to tick as Satan stood rooted to his spot in front of the emergency room. All of a sudden, the doors were flung open. The nurse who walked out was covered in blood as well. “How horrible of you! How could you beat her up so badly?! She’s a woman, you know?!” The nurse was furious over the injustice she had witnessed.

Satan didn’t respond to her words at all. “How is the patient?”

“How is she? Aren’t you embarrassed to ask that question?” It was the first time that the nurse had encountered such a situation. Another female doctor walked out with just as much blood covering her uniform. She immediately pulled the nurse aside. They were medical professionals, after all—saving and healing the ill and injured were their jobs, and they had no right to meddle in anyone else’s businesses. Moreover, the man before their eyes was clearly someone that they didn’t want to mess with.

“Are you the patient’s family member?” The female doctor turned to Satan with a stern look.


“Come over here. I’ll tell you about the patient’s situation,” the doctor offered. The nurse was still fuming with rage, and she looked as if she was prepared to charge over and beat Satan up. The female doctor had to throw her a long glare before she finally left them alone.

The female doctor then stuck her hands into her coat pockets as she led Satan aside. “How is she?” Satan had to admit that he was terrified of what he would hear. He was worried that Jude might be dead. He had seen tons of fresh blood and gory wounds in the past, but he had never felt terror until the moment he saw the blood that came from Jude.

“Her life is no longer in danger for now. We gave her a blood transfusion of 2000CC. She’s lucky that she has a common blood type—we might not have had enough blood for her in the blood bank otherwise.” The female doctor tried her best to contain her own emotions as she spoke. She was a young woman of about 30 years old, and she appeared to be exceptionally calm right then. However, she was a woman herself—it was only natural for her to pity the patient on the bed who had her life hanging by a thread.

Satan closed his eyes for a moment once he received the news. Okay. She’s alive. She’s alive.

“We will still need some time to treat the rest of the wounds on her body. Those are mostly superficial wounds, but some of them are a little deeper and have been infected, so we will have to give her anti-inflammatory treatments. There will be some scars left on her skin,” the doctor continued. Satan didn’t respond to her.

“Another thing that you might want to know is that she had a miscarriage,” the doctor uttered.

Satan’s eyes widened upon hearing this. “What did you say?!”

The other nurse wouldn’t have been so infuriated if it weren’t for the fact that Jude was a pregnant woman. It was simply too heartless of an act for someone to torture and hit a pregnant woman so severely!

“Didn’t you know that she was pregnant?” the doctor asked.

Satan had no idea that Jude was pregnant, of course. However, he knew that he hadn’t used any protection when he had sex with Jude. All of a sudden, he recalled what Jude had told him previously. She said she wanted to have a baby with me, and she even asked me if I preferred a baby boy or girl…

The doctor heaved a long sigh. “She was pregnant for about a month, but she just had a miscarriage. It’s simply impossible for her to keep the child alive when she lost such a substantial amount of blood. Also, if my guess is correct, she had just gone through an abortion about three or four months ago.”

The doctor’s words came as a massive blow to Satan once more.


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