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Daddy, Chasing Mommy Back is On Us! novel Chapter 454

Does he still have me in his heart? Is that so?

Jude felt her heart begin to waver again. Suddenly, she remembered Wyatt, his warm smile, his gentleness and thoughtfulness, his melancholic gaze, and his bright face. No, I can't hesitate anymore! Satan and I are impossible to be together. And impossible means impossible.

Pulling her thoughts back, Jude started the engine and drove the car away.

In the police station, Selena had to undergo daily interrogation, but since John’s body was still undergoing a detailed autopsy, the police did not push her too hard. She stared blankly out the only window in the jail within the police station, which was a square measuring only twenty centimeters. So, she could only see a patch of blue sky and occasionally a bird or two flying by.

At this moment, she missed Pierre a lot. If only Pierre was here, then everything would be solved. From the time she decided to be with him, she expected that she would have a hard life in the future, but she did not expect her disaster to start right from the wedding day itself. She wanted to cry a little, but she had to keep her tears to herself because she knew she shouldn't cry and had to be strong.

Suddenly, the door opened, and an officer came in. "Selena Yard, come out!"

Selena stood up and followed the police officer, who handed her an autopsy report.

"You are right. Through the autopsy report, we can see that John Fowler's real cause of death is that he had been taking the wrong drug for a long time when he was alive. It was the existence of this drug that had caused his organs to begin to decay. Therefore, that glass of poisoned wine only serves to accelerate his death. Even if he did not drink that glass of wine, he would not live long. "

Selena closed her eyes with relief. "Then will you let me go now?"

"We have no new evidence that you spiked the glass of wine, so you can go for now. However, you’re still under suspicion, so you have to come over when we need you, and you need to report back to us every day on your whereabouts."

“Sure." Selena pondered for a moment and added, "Helen Fowler married John Fowler for revenge. I think the police should check this lead out properly. If the autopsy report is saying that he took the wrong drug for a long time, then no one could have done it except for Helen, I guess."

"We’ll consider your opinion." The officer took out a few sheets of paper. "Sign here, and you can leave."

After signing, Selena walked out of the police station. As the sunlight outside was extraordinarily harsh today, it stung her eyes. Since the police also called Jude, she came over to pick up Selena and took her directly to the hospital.

On seeing Selena, Juniper smiled happily and cried out, "Mommy! You're back! My mommy!"

Holding Juniper in her arms, Selena’s tears coursed down her cheeks. God knows what happened to my poor baby girl while I was away!

Then, Juniper helped wipe the tears on Selena's face away. "Mommy, don't cry. I’m not in pain. I didn't even cry, so why are you crying?"

At that, Selena stroked Juniper's face. "Okay. I won’t cry. Since you’re strong, I have to be strong too, right, Juniper?"

"Yeah!" Juniper cupped Selena's face and gave her a kiss on each cheek.

After that, Selena accompanied Juniper for a while. As the treatment process was arduous, the little one was so weak that she fell asleep easily. So, after just a short moment of talking with her mother, she fell asleep. Later, Jude came over, and when Selena was just about to speak, the former spoke first. "Yeah, yeah. There is no need to say anything to me. Just go home to see Jojo and Jamie, and then decide whose bone marrow is to be used.”


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