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Daddy the Miracle Medic novel Chapter 345

Chapter 345 What Are You Joking About?

This young master from a prominent family had such a domineering and arrogant demeanor. He kept saying things like "if you can't cure me, then what will happen..." Lachlan felt it was best to keep his distance from this kind of person.

Next, Lachlan had Raphael take off his pants and lie down on the bed. Looking at him, Lachlan clicked his tongue. Raphael's skin was almost entirely like tree bark except for his face and hands.

"Thanks to meeting me, otherwise before long your internal organs would have necrosis! At that time, even immortals couldn't save you!"

Hearing this, Raphael looked deeply at Lachlan with some confidence in the guy's medical skills because what he said was similar to what he heard from the Medicine God Valley's "Judge."

"You say you can cure me? Will it be permanent or just temporary relief?" Raphael asked in a deep voice.

"Of course it will be permanent!" replied Lachlan confidently.

"Oh? Can you tell what caused my illness? Why did I get sick?" Raphael's eyes lit up as he couldn't help but ask.

"There are many factors involved which cannot be explained in detail right now. If I'm not mistaken though, your lungs were previously injured weren't they?" asked Lachlan vaguely as he didn't know much about Raphael and wanted to keep some cards hidden from him.

However, while being so evasive with him like that left Raphael surprised as he looked at Lachlan with admiration in his eyes.

"Yes! I was injured five years ago when my lungs were hurt," nodded Raphael agreeing with him.

"Lachlan, is it? Your insight is truly sharp! My illness is related to that injury?" asked Raphael again amazed by how much insight this doctor had compared even to Medicine God Valley's "Judge." After all, those injuries healed long ago!

"Well... it has something to do with it," replied Lachlan nonchalantly trying not to give too much away yet still impressing Raphael who thought highly of him for being able to see through things others could not.

"Hmm... let's stop talking about that for now. Let me give you an injection first!" Seeing how shocked Raphael seemed after hearing all of this information, Lachlan secretly rolled his eyes thinking how easy it was fooling this guy...

"Okay," said Raphael calmly as he lay there waiting for treatment while feeling more hopeful than ever before about getting better thanks to Lachlan's treatment!

Lachlan secretly sneered as he began administering acupuncture on the acupoints.

He knew why Raphael had contracted this strange illness. Everyone's five-element constitution was different, some were more inclined towards earth, while others had a wood attribute constitution. Raphael's constitution leaned towards the wood element.

He contracted this strange illness because he had been practicing for years and accumulated a large amount of wood element in his body. Initially, this wasn't an issue, but when he suffered lung damage, it disrupted the balance of the five elements in his body.

In traditional medicine, lungs belong to metal and metal restrains wood! If Raphael's lung function hadn't been damaged, then relying on the gold attribute of his lungs would naturally regulate and suppress the excess wood attributes in his body.

However, due to lung damage that year caused by an accident or injury; it led to an imbalance in the five elements within him which eventually caused such a strange disease!

Currently only skin woody changes had occurred, but later stages will be completely like a "vegetative person"...

All Lachlan needed to do was use dragon energy with acupuncture to stimulate Raphael's lungs and colon functions belonging to gold organs so as to restrain excess wood attributes within him.

That was all that needed doing for results could be seen...

Outside in the hall!

Many people were worried about being implicated themselves and have already left this exchange meeting one after another. Of course, many stayed behind wanting to see what would happen next.

"Do you think this young man named Lachlan can cure Mr. MacDonald?"

"Who knows? Lachlan didn't even show up at first until he was dragged out by his sister-in-law."

"Yeah! I'm afraid there is no confidence?"


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