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Dear Ex-wife, Marry Me novel Chapter 122

Dear ex wife Marry Me novel Chapter 122:The Enigma Unveiled. 

At Chapter 122 of Dear ex wife Marry Me novel, the story progresses as the characters delve into their pasts. Secrets and hidden histories are revealed, shedding light on the motivations and conflicts that shape their current lives. In the content of Chapter 122 and the following chapters of the novel "Dear ex wife Marry Me", will Estelle and Jonathan resolve the misunderstanding? Read Dear ex wife Marry Me novel Chapter 122 at NovelFreePDF.com.

Dear ex wife Marry Me novel Chapter 122 read online in 2024:

Leo was emotionally, didn’t try to control his voice down.

If he'd been speaking clearly, then Ian would've got the gist of their argument and even figured out who Maja was, since Leo had blurted out her name loud and clear.

But Leo was a dropout and had worked on construction sites in several coastal towns for years, rubbing shoulders with laborers from all corners of the country. Back then, he was hell-bent on escaping the poverty of Crystalbrook Valley, so he'd picked up their accents on purpose.

Understanding one person's dialect was a piece of cake, but when you mix accents from several towns, it becomes a whole different ball game.

So, Ian was absolutely clueless about what they were arguing about and could only make out bits and pieces of what Maja was saying.

As for Leo, he didn't understand a single word.

He was proficient in many foreign languages, but he couldn't understand Leo's mixed accent. Outside in the hallway, Maja fell silent for a moment, almost bursting into laughter out of sheer frustration.

"If it wasn't for them, do you think I would take care of your business? A 28-year-old man who still hasn't landed a steady job, ran off with a client's hundreds of thousands, lost over a million in gambling, asking your parents to pay off your debt. What give you the right to raise your voice here?

Maja grabbed him, answering the phone immediately.


But it wasn't Daly who was calling, it was her Aunt Susan.

Susan's voice was laced with exhaustion, and it was incredibly hoarse.

"Maja, I really don't want to call you, but there's nothing I can do.. We don't have the contact information of Mr. Raymond, and the police station refused to release Oli. So much money, our family really can't afford it. Isn't the county government about to buy the houses in our area soon? We borrowed some money from relatives before the news was public, buying a few neighboring houses, hoping to make some acquisition money that way. But now that the news of the acquisition has been made public, the neighbors are very upset and came to our house to make trouble. Your uncle's leg was broken by them, and his head was bleeding, and he is still in the hospital for emergency treatment.. I don't even have the money for his surgery, Oli kept the money before. Now she is arrested by the police, and I can't find anyone else who can help. I really have no choice."

Hearing this, Maja felt a sharp pain in her heart, feeling both furious and powerless.

She'd thought that Daly and Susan would let Olivia stew in jail for a while, and after a month, Maja would somehow scrap together the money to bail Olivia out.

After all, Olivia was too wild and reckless for her own good, trouble was bound to follow her sooner or later. Letting her cool her heels in jail for a month would be a good lesson.

But who knew that the Dalys wouldn't let Olivia suffer even a bit, instead, they started eyeing other people's houses.


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